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Select Board to discuss report on improperly redacted transcript of Brennan interview used in investigation
The Select Board on Tuesday will hear an update from town counsel regarding the culpability of those involved in releasing online to the public an improperly redacted report of an interview with embattled former Sgt. Tim Brennan that was part of the investigation of...

Select Board to interview finalists for town manager Tuesday
The Select Board will interview the four finalists for town manager at its meeting Tuesday as it moves closer to appointing a permanent replacement for Norman Khumalo. Elaine Lazarus, one of the candidates, was appointed as the interim town manager on April 16. She...

Town Common flag flap gets some clarity: Thin Blue Line flag not meant to offend
The Town Common flag mystery is not completely resolved, but there is an explanation for why the Thin Blue Line flag had been hanging off the gazebo. It was placed there by longtime gazebo volunteer custodian Mike Whalen, who shared that he did not mean for it be...

American flag restored to Town Common after Thin Blue Line flag removed by police
The American flag once again is flying on the Town Common after having been replaced with a Thin Blue Line flag by an unknown person, according to a spokesperson for the Hopkinton Police Department. "I had officers investigate this report," stated Lt. Scott van...

Planning Board schedules site visit to The Trails to assess runoff in light of DPW road damage claim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GshUv9jVIN0 The Planning Board at its meeting Monday night agreed to an evening site visit to The Trails to observe its stormwater management practices and consider if runoff has caused damage to Wilson Street, as the Department of...

Real Estate Transactions, July 1 edition

Legacy Farms food investigations continue; accused residents deny charges
The Health Department’s efforts to limit illegal food distribution in the Legacy Farms neighborhood continues, and while some offenders have closed up shop, others have continued to operate in the shadows, Health Director Shaun McAuliffe said. However, two residents...

Hopkinton man faces charges of failing to pay $467K in excise taxes related to vaping business
A Hopkinton man will appear in court on July 9 to answer to charges of allegedly failing to pay more than $467,000 in excise taxes between 2020 and 2022, the Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office announced Thursday. Ashraf Youssef, 61, was the owner of AAA Smoke...

Conservation Commission, The Trails work on stormwater management compliance issues
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5fORukliIE The Conservation Commission on Tuesday night decided to continue a cease and desist hearing against The Trails at Legacy Farms. Chair Jeff Barnes said he would work on a “roadmap forward” with Conservation Administrator Kim...

Parks & Rec Commission discusses withdrawn EMC Park lot parking agreement
The Parks & Recreation Commission learned Tuesday night that the high school’s proposed parking agreement for EMC Park had been withdrawn. Parks & Recreation Director Jon Lewitus reported a conversation between he and Susan Rothermich during a separate...

Real Estate Transactions, June 24 edition

Residents meet town manager finalists as end of selection process nears
Residents sat down with the finalists for the town manager position Thursday night at the Hopkinton Public Library. This meet and greet was one of the final steps in the selection process. The Select Board felt it was important for the public to interact with the...

Water demand strained during heat wave; conservation encouraged
There is a severe water shortage in town due to this week's heat wave, warned Hopkinton Water-Sewer Manager Eric Carty on Thursday afternoon, advising residents to be judicious in their usage because of "an enormous strain on the water system." "Pumps are struggling...

Trails Committee makes progress on Center Trail to Chamberlain Road extension
The Trails Committee at its meeting Wednesday night discussed the slow but steady progress being made on the Center Trail to the Chamberlain Road extension. “The price of free work is that it moves slowly and on its own timetable,” explained member Chuck Dauchy. The...

Herr pushes for action on Main Street Corridor transformers, creates liaison role
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dedwnVvF7fU Select Board chair Brian Herr at Tuesday's Select Board meeting pushed for the creation of a special liaison for the Main Street Corridor Project and an explanation for the continuing delay of the electrical transformers...

July 4 Horribles Parade permit approved despite concerns about ‘satire’
After some discussion, the Select Board on Tuesday unanimously approved the permit for the July 4 Horribles Parade, weighing the participants’ right to free speech against the potential for satirical floats to inflame divisions in town. Historically, before the...

Select Board tackles water issues, discusses Center School reuse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dedwnVvF7fU The Select Board Tuesday night reluctantly voted to raise water rates by 40% but kept sewer rates flat for the upcoming fiscal year. Select Board chair Brian Herr questioned the high raise as well as the alternate presented...

Select Board decides to slow deputy police chief hiring process, announces town manager finalists
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dedwnVvF7fU The Select Board at its meeting Tuesday night decided unanimously to slow down the process for hiring a deputy police chief despite the process reaching its penultimate stage in order to allow for the review of police manual...

Police investigate after strangers allegedly offered ride to youth at Town Common
Hopkinton Police Chief Joseph Bennett announced late Tuesday night that the Police Department was investigating an incident that took place Tuesday afternoon at the Town Common. Following are details from the press release: Around 2:40 p.m., Hopkinton Police responded...