Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
10:21 am, Saturday, February 8, 2025
temperature icon 29°F
Humidity 56 %
Wind Gust: 9 mph


Featured: News

Select Board OK’s moving Town Meeting to May 8, Town Election to May 22

Town Meeting date appears likely to change

Town clerk Connor Degan and Town Meeting moderator Tom Garabedian joined the Select Board on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of moving Town Meeting from May 3 (a Monday night) in order to obtain a more suitable location. The meeting normally is held at the...

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Fundraiser underway for injured HHS alum Moschini

Fundraiser underway for injured HHS alum Moschini

Friends and co-workers launched a fundraiser for former Hopkinton resident Luke Moschini, who was seriously injured in a utility vehicle accident this past weekend. A member of the Hopkinton High School Class of 2014 — he played football and basketball and was a...

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Parks & Rec moves forward with skate park

Parks & Rec moves forward with skate park

The Parks & Recreation Department, during Monday’s Parks & Rec Commission meeting, discussed plans to push forward with the redevelopment of the skate park at EMC Park at a cost of $300,000. There will be a meeting about the project “within the next 30 days,”...

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Key Storage 4.14.22