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Schools Notebook: HHS students score high at BPA national event

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Education, Featured: Education

Hopkinton High School BPA team

Members of the Hopkinton High School BPA team pose for a photo last month at the national BPA competition in Chicago.

Several individuals and teams from Hopkinton High School achieved high placements at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) national competition held May 10-14 in Chicago.

At the top of the competition was the team of Vardhan Madhavarupu, Vainavi Malisetty, Dhruv Shah and Rishit Shekhar, which placed first in the Economic Research Team category.

The students placing second in the User Experience Design Team category were Anya Krishnamony, Odundo Omondi and Emily Skaff.

Individually, Akarsh Doki finished third in Computer Modeling.

Shah noted that last year, he placed third in Entrepreneurship at the national conference, and he credited this year’s first-place result in that area to his growth in the organization through numerous conferences and events.

“Every year, Hopkinton shows how strong and competitive we are at the national level,” Shah said. “We have continued to do so. … The BPA season ended with a bang!”

In March, several Hopkinton High School students were elected to leadership positions.

Malisetty was elected secondary president, Shah was named secondary vice president and Kaesha Rajgor was chosen to be secondary treasurer.

Malisetty explained that she and her classmates campaigned and were elected during the state leadership conference.

“Following our candidate speeches at the beginning of the conference, officers are narrowed down via a general election, in which about 350 members vote,” she noted. “We are then appointed to specific offices following an interview with Massachusetts BPA staff.”

Other HHS representatives placing as national finalists in the top 10 were Saanvi Mittal, Neya Rajasingh and Rajgor (fifth in Financial Analyst Team), Aryaa Dixit (sixth place in Presentation Individual) and Omondi (seventh place in Health Research Presentation).

Overall, HHS had 19 individuals competing across 14 events, with Hopkinton BPA receiving callbacks in eight of those events.

“For a large part of the Hopkinton members this year, this was their first national conference, which truly allowed them to grow as better leaders and gain new experiences,” Shah said.

BPA school advisor Doug Scott described the students as “tremendous leaders,” who were “fantastic to travel with. … I was proud of how they looked out for each other as a team from Hopkinton.”

Scott praised them for working hard to prepare for their events.

“Many placed high, while all learned about different topics,” he added. “Overall they have a lot to be proud of because it takes guts to put yourself in any competitive arena.”

Gill, Krymgold win Merit Scholarships

Hopkinton High School seniors Bableen Gill and Zachary Krymgold were named winners of National Merit Scholarships sponsored by U.S. colleges and universities.
Gill, who plans to study medicine, received a scholarship financed by Tufts University. Krymgold, a who wants to study aerospace engineering, received a scholarship financed by Purdue University.

Kayan wins HALT Scholarship

James Kayan was named winner of the $2,000 HALT (Hopkinton Area Land Trust) Scholarship. Kayan will be attending the University of Maine in Orono, where he plans to study forestry.

His interest in forestry was strengthened when he went last summer to the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico, where he met other young men who were interested in forestry. Kayan has many other interests besides camping and activities associated with becoming an Eagle Scout, including Art Club, concert band, symphonic band, swimming and lifeguarding, ultimate Frisbee, wrestling and even video games.

“The Board of Directors wishes James a successful collegiate career,” the organization shared. “We look forward to the time when James can advise HALT on how better to maintain our forests and fields in Hopkinton.”

Local collegians recognized

Earning their degrees at Worcester Polytechnic Institute were David Gedraitis (mechanical engineering major), Matthew Kiszla (computer science), Aidan Wech (computer science) and Elisabeth Whittemore (electrical and computer engineering). …

Graduates from Holy Cross included Aidan Busconi, Katharine Lagasse (magna cum laude) and Michael Rabinovich. …

Ian Cann and Brooklyn McDermott-Hyland graduated from Stonehill College. …

At Regis College’s commencement exercises on May 11, Stephanie Rokes and Madeline Strickland graduated with a B.S. in nursing. …

Bhargavi Konda graduated from the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky. …

Olivia Kirshy was awarded an M.S. in administration of justice-homeland security during Salve Regina University’s 74th commencement. …

At Springfield College, Dylan Goldman (health science/pre-PA major) and Colin Norred (sport management) were named to the dean’s list. …

Madeline Strickland was named to the dean’s list at Regis College.

Editor’s note: Information for college honors is provided by the schools. Those interested in being included in this section should forward the official notification or request for the school to email it to editor@hopkintonindependent.com.


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