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Hopkinton Today: Tuesday, May 19

by | May 19, 2020 | Featured Front Page, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.

Gov. Charlie Baker spoke yesterday and offered more details about the state’s four-phased reopening plan. The state released a list of which business can open in which phase. The town followed with a COVID-19 update that shared details of the plan.

The Planning Board met last night and focused on the Seaboard Solar project off Frankland Road. Company representatives explained how they are willing to work with the town and abutters to minimize any detrimental impacts of the project. A primary topic concerned screening — plantings that will be installed to minimize the view of the panels. “We really need to give some serious thought to what will screen this appropriately and reasonably, and how we’re going to mandate that in our decision and follow through on that,” Planning Board chair Muriel Kramer said, noting that a previous project in town was not adequately screened. The public hearing was continued to June 1, and a decision on the project’s storm water plan was pushed back to June 15.

The Conservation Commission meets tonight (7) and also will discuss the solar project. The Select Board meets tonight as well (public portion starts at 6:30).

Water-sewer manager Eric Carty announced that a required fire flow test for Elmwood School is scheduled for tomorrow at 9 a.m., and it could cause some discoloration during and after the tests throughout town. Residents are advised to avoid doing laundry, dishwasher loads or other water use activities during this time. Anyone noticing discoloration should run their cold water line after the test to clear the internal pipes.

Video of the Day: This cat is very good at soccer.

Music Video of the Day: Here’s Rocky Burnette with “Tired of Toein’ the Line.” Enjoy.


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