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Business Profile: Creativity, fun at Miss Tanya’s

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Business

The experienced staff at Miss Tanya’s Family of Nursery Schools and its popular summer camps is committed to providing an enriching, creative and exciting early childhood experience for preschoolers in a safe, caring environment.

Registration is open for all three Westborough locations, and summer programming begins June 9. Camper ages range from 2 years and 9 months to 7 years, and parents typically register children for a three-day session (Tuesday through Thursday) of three or four hours.

“Safety is our top priority, and we’ll be following whatever health guidelines may be in place at the time summer camp starts,” stated Lorraine Swanson, director of Miss Tanya’s Nursery School in downtown Westborough. “We do all we can to give children the best possible first-school experience.”

Each two-week session is theme-oriented and will include center time, open-ended activities, music and movement, and plenty of outdoor play on the spacious playground area.

Programs emphasize socialization skills, teamwork, creativity and a focus on the whole child.

“It’s all about making summer camp fun and instilling a love of learning,” Swanson said. “We nurture the joy of being a child with all its wonder and curiosity.”

Miss Tanya’s offers preschoolers a wonderfully creative environment. Children explore, play and build with all things imaginable, including finger paints, water, fabric, blocks, tiles, wood and countless other materials. Creativity and imagination are fostered, fine motor skills engaged and, most of all, youngsters have fun in a loving, supervised environment.

Teachers are professionally educated and licensed through the Department of Early Education and Care, and sessions typically include 40 campers with an adequate camper-teacher ratio.

“I love setting up that love of learning for the rest of a child’s life,” Swanson noted, adding, “The children are so brave at trying new things, working together on projects of their own making and growing more independent every day. I have the best of both worlds, being a teacher here as well as the director.”

Visit misstanya.com for program details about any of Miss Tanya’s three locations. Contact directors Lorraine Swanson (508-366-0304 or mtnurseryschool@gmail.com), Tonya Herrod (508-366-5700 or woodland@gmail.com) or Dustie Shannon (508-366-7909 or mtlongmeadow@gmail.com).

Business Profiles are advertising features designed to provide information and background about Hopkinton Independent advertisers.

Editor’s note: This story appears in the April 22 print edition of the Hopkinton Independent.


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