Among those attending the ribbon cutting at Guaranteed Rate last month were (standing from left): Hopkinton Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Guaranteed Rate employees Mike Hamwey, Sara Lacaire and Heidi Rogers, Hopkinton Selectman John Coutinho, Guaranteed Rate branch manager Bryan Brown and Guaranteed Rate’s Matt Packard. In front are Brown’s family (from left): daughter Jordan, son Colin, wife Kristen and son Camden.
In cooperation with the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce, Guaranteed Rate hosted a grand opening in December to formally cement itself as a part of the commercial footprint of town. While the retail mortgage lending business has been located off South Street since September 2017, branch manager Bryan Brown said it was important to establish new connections face to face while reconnecting with clients, referral partners, town officials and other community members.
For Brown, it’s something that is integral in being a part of the town.
“My favorite thing about Hopkinton is the strong sense of community we have,” he said. “I am always astounded to see how the community rallies around a family in need or welcomes a new business.”
During the two-part grand opening Brown mingled with guests over catered appetizers and cocktails as they perused tables with free Guaranteed Rate swag. Rather than staying hyper-focused on giving a sales pitch, Brown instead asked his clients about their well-being, checked with his partners to see how their year went, and thanked others for making the trip. His rapport was obvious and his resume in town is a good reason why.
Brown has been heavily involved in Hopkinton since relocating from Natick. He serves as the events chair for the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce, serves on the leadership team and is a past president of the local chapter of BNI (Business Network International) Pacesetters, and is a member of the Hopkinton Economic Development Counsel.
“I get involved because I want my children to grow up in a strong community,” said Brown, who lives in Hopkinton with his wife, Kristen, and their three children, 4-year-old Camden, 2-year-old Jordan and 1-year-old Colin. “I believe my influence in the local business community is the best way for me to achieve that. I also want to show them the importance of leadership, and leading by example is a great way to illustrate that.”
A native of Leominster and alumnus of Bentley University, Brown started with Guaranteed Rate in 2012. His 15-plus years of experience comes in handy when evaluating the market, especially when analyzing trends. Along with increased interest rates, he sees a lack of inventory as being a buyer’s biggest challenge.
“Buyers are having difficulty finding homes that both meet their requirements and fit within their budget,” he said.
With a wide array of products to offer clients and technology that meets the need of the new generation of buyers, Brown tries to be ahead of the curve.
“What separates me is my experience, dedication to my clients and business partners, and very strong support from my team,” he said.