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3:28 am, Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Town: Mandatory water restrictions in effect

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Featured: News, News

The town announced Tuesday that it has declared a mandatory state of water supply conservation for all customers connected to the municipal water system, and it is effective immediately.

The watering of lawns is prohibited. Lawn sprinklers must be turned off. Repeat offenders could be subject to a $100 fine and suspension of water service.

“It’s been over a month since our area has experienced any significant rainfall, resulting in decreased groundwater levels and slower aquifer recharge,” the announcement from the Department of Public Works reads. “As a result, water production has been reduced, while consumption remains high. For the remainder of the summer, the extended forecast predicts continued above-average temperatures and no substantial rainfall.

“As the growing season winds down, we now must require that residents on the municipal water system turn off lawn sprinklers to help preserve water supplies for essential daily needs and fire protection.”

For more information, visit the town website at hopkintonma.gov.

1 Comment

  1. Brad

    Who is monitoring these restrictions?

    I would recommend setting the fine at $1,000. It might make some homeowners think twice.


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