The Hopkinton Cultural Council unveiled the latest additions to the diversity mural project along the fence at EMC Park on Sunday. The new murals include: “Duality” by brothers Evan and Owen Fitzpatrick; “Clothesline” by Jill Strait; “Mandala” by Path Tare; “The Most Beautiful Flower in Your Eye” by Kayleen Tang and Annabelle Liu; and “Phoenix Wing” by Chelsea Bradway.

Posing at the fence are (from left): Evan Fitzpatrick, Jill Strait, Path Tare, Kayleen Tang and Annabelle Liu. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO

Jill Strait shows off her work. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO

Evan Fitzpatrick talks about his piece, “Duality,” which he created with his older brother, Owen. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO

Path Tare displays her mural. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO

Kayleen Tang discusses “The Most Beautiful Flower,” which features flowers painted by almost 20 volunteers. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO

The artists, Cultural Council members and attendees pose for a group photo. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO