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Preliminary results for early voting

by | Nov 8, 2018 | Featured

Early voting for the Nov. 6 state election started in Hopkinton on Oct. 22 and continued through Nov. 2. According to Town Clerk Connor Degan, at the close of the polls on Tuesday, Oct. 30 a total of 1,429 ballots were cast.  

“I do like the concept of early voting as another method of making the process more convenient,” said Degan. “And for the proven ability for it to decrease wait times for voters at the polls, as it spreads out when and where, voters will cast their ballots.”

But whether or not early voting will increase voter turnout remains to be seen. Degan says his research so far has not shown that it has and he’ll have to do more research to see if the results change from 2016, but he was looking forward to having an amazing turnout both from early voting and on Election Day.

“Hopefully, we will continue to work with the state to make early voting more efficient and streamlined,” said Degan.


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