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Rare earthquake hits region, felt in Hopkinton

by | Nov 8, 2020 | News, Z-Lead Image Front Page

The U.S. Geological Survey reported a magnitude 3.6 earthquake centered just off the Southeastern Massachusetts coast on Sunday morning, causing brief shaking that was felt throughout the region, reportedly as far as 100 miles away. Some people in Hopkinton reported feeling minor rumbling.

The quake was centered in Buzzards Bay, and hit just at about 9:10 a.m. No damages or injuries were reported.

U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist Paul Caruso told The New York Times that there have been 26 earthquakes in Southern New England since 1963, and this was one of the biggest. However, he said it shouldn’t cause major problems.

“We wouldn’t expect there to be significant damage from this earthquake,” Caruso said. “Earthquakes in this area are commonly felt very far away because the rocks in this area are very contiguous, very old, so they transmit the energy very well from earthquakes.”

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency encouraged residents to check for property damage, especially to chimneys and foundations. If there is a gas leak, residents should go outside and call 911.


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