Hopkinton High School graduation is scheduled for Friday, June 3, at 6 p.m. at the HHS football field. Rain date is Sunday, June 5.
On Saturday, June 4, the graduation car parade will be held from 10 a.m.-noon. Cars (must be registered first) will start lining up at HHS at 9:30. At 10, they will turn right onto Hayden Rowe Street, left onto Chestnut Street, left onto Ash Street (with a second left to remain on Ash) to the Town Common. The route then will go left onto Main Street, bear right onto Wood Street, left on Elm Street, left onto West Main Street, right onto Pleasant Street and right onto Hayden Rowe to return to the high school.
Judges will award prizes to the most creatively decorated vehicles.
Music will be playing at the Town Common from 10 a.m.-noon., and free cow bells will be handed out.
For more information, visit hopsenior2022.com.