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Town of Hopkinton COVID-19 update for April 1

by | Apr 1, 2020 | Featured Front Page, News

Editor’s note: The following is a COVID-19 update from the Town of Hopkinton.

COVID-19 Updates & Precautions
April 1, 2020 PM update

Previous updates and additional resources can be found here:

All town buildings are closed to the public; although we are “open” for business. Parks, Playgrounds and Playing Fields are closed.

Hopkinton has created a new Covid-19 Community Impact Dashboard to illustrate closings and general tracking numbers which include the ability to see trendlines over time. Link to dashboard: ​https://arcg.is/PyP0S

Following Governor Baker’s previous ​emergency order​ from March 31, ONLY designated businesses and organizations providing “COVID-19 Essential Services,” such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and restaurants offering take-out or pick up only remain open. All non-essential businesses, retailers, and organizations are closed to workers, customers and the public until Monday, May 4, 2020. See the ​COVID-19 Essential Business FAQs​ from the State.

Non-essential businesses are encouraged to continue operations remotely. To that end, essential services provided by the Hopkinton Department of Public Works, Facilities, Health Services, Youth and Family Services, Hopkinton Police Department and Hopkinton Fire Department will continue. The rest of the Town Departments will continue to provide services as in prior weeks, albeit employees will be working remotely.

PLEASE! Remain home; adhere to the community restrictions in place, especially when outside – do not gather in parks, playground areas, and playing fields as these are CLOSED; and take appropriate social distancing measures when visiting grocery stores, pharmacies and other essential businesses.

As of 11:00 a.m. on 4/1/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department has 9 total confirmed COVID-19 cases; 3 of those cases are active, with 6 recoveries and zero deaths. Our most recent cases fall within the 20-29 age range. The Health Department and Board of Health want to reiterate how important it is for all of our residents to practice social distancing and avoid any unnecessary contact.

Community Impact Dashboard – ​NEW UPDATE
Hopkinton has created a new Covid-19 Community Impact Dashboard to illustrate closings and general tracking numbers which include the ability to see trendlines over time. Link to dashboard: ​https://arcg.is/PyP0S

Income Tax filing date extension – ​NEW UPDATE
The deadlines to FILE and PAY federal and Massachusetts state income taxes are extended to July 15, 2020. More information available here: https://www.mass.gov/news/massachusetts-announces-state-income-tax-filing-deadline -being-extended-to-july-15

Economic Impact (stimulus checks) – ​NEW UPDATE
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced that distribution of economic impact payments will begin in the next three wee​ks and will be distributed automatically, with no action r​equired for most people. However, some seniors and others who typically do not file returns will need to submit a simple tax return to receive the stimulus payment. More info here: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/economic-impact-payments-what-you-need-to-know

Library – ​NEW UPDATE
You can now chat directly with a reference librarian in real time! This pilot service will be staffed from 10 am-5 pm Monday-Friday. During those times, you can see a blue “speech bubble” icon near the top of our homepage at ​www.hopkintonlibrary.org​. Click on the bubble and a chat window will pop up. If the speech bubble is black, that means that staff are not currently available, but you can still e-mail us at ​hopkintonlibrary@hopkintonma.gov​ or leave a voicemail at 508-497-9777 and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Real Estate – ​NEW UPDATE
The Hopkinton Health Department has published a ​Real Estate and Property Development Guidance document​ to assist local vendors and residents.

Hopkinton Senior Center/Senior Services – ​NEW UPDATE
Please contact the Senior Center at 508-497-9730 if you have questions, concerns, need assistance obtaining food or have any other need while we are closed. If you know of a senior in need please reach out to us and we will follow up with them.

Senior Center “Without Walls” has begun! We are offering several classes and programs online. Check out our website to see how you can take advantage of our great programs, (https://www.hopkintonma.gov/departments/senior_center.php​) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Hopkinton-Senior-Center-533752023452626​). We are adding more each day!

Annual Town Meeting and Election Postponed:
Click here for read more

Travel guidance:
Beginning March 27, all travelers arriving to Massachusetts are instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days. More info here: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/travel-information-related-to-covid-19

Unemployment information:

Blood Drive
Governor Baker and First Lady Lauren Baker visited the American Red Cross of Massachusetts headquarters in Dedham to urge residents to donate blood. The Red Cross is facing a critical shortage of blood products due to cancellations of blood drives across the Commonwealth because of implementation of necessary prevention and mitigation actions during COVID-19 outbreak. The Governor has deemed “Blood and plasma donors and the employees of the organizations that operate and manage related activities” as an essential service. There are upcoming blood drives in Milford and Framingham. More info here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=01748

Hopkinton Public Schools
School Administration has been in direct contact with families with children enrolled in Hopkinton Public Schools. We share that letter with you ​here​.

Please remember that any school families who are in need of food should reach out to the HPS Food Services Director, Michelle Babin, at ​mbabin@hopkinton.k12.ma.us​ Ms. Babin is working closely with Project Just Because.

Youth and Family Services
For ​daily updated​ resources to help with behavioral health, substance use recovery, and financial strain and how to reach us during the Covid 19 crisis see our resource page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRLc_KS6S8Cktl3gGaDv9Xi7APoTpT-gEPdDV9XUlUM/ edit?usp=sharing

Treasurer/Collector’s and Assessors Offices:
The Treasurer/Collector’s Office and Assessors Department are open for remote service and are available to assist residents from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Tuesdays, and from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Fridays. While not physically in the office, staff is available to field any questions and to process all required work via email or voicemail:

treasurer@hopkintonma.gov​ or voicemail (508) 497-9715
assessors@hopkintonma.gov​ or voicemail (508) 497-9720

Your voicemail will be returned promptly. Payments can still be made online at www.hopkintonma.gov​ through the “Pay My Bill” option. Payments can also be mailed as usual or dropped off at Town Hall at one of three drop boxes located at each Town Hall entrance; front, side, and a handicap accessible location at the rear of the building.


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