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Hopkinton Today: Monday, May 18

by | May 18, 2020 | Featured Front Page, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.

The list of candidates for the June 29 Town Election is set following the party caucuses late last week. There are two contested races: Select Board and School Committee. For the complete list of candidates, click here.

Hopkinton High School students Sreeja Bolla and Archita Nemalikanti were named overall winners of the Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair, earning an internship, a $10,000 cash prize and a $10,000 grant to the HHS Science Department.

Resident Stephanie Hutch recently was honored with the prestigious AFCEA International Women’s Appreciation Award, which recognizes members who have gone above and beyond to further the careers of women.

Water-Sewer manager Eric Carty sent out another request for residents to avoid flushing wipes and rags, as it is causing clogging at the town’s sewer pump stations. According to Carty, there is no such thing as a flushable wipe (despite manufacturers’ claims). Wipes and rags do not break down and instead bind together to clog the pipes and pumps, leading to costly repairs and possibly a backup of sewerage into residents’ homes. Those items should be disposed of in the trash.

The Planning Board meets tonight at 7, and among the items on the agenda is a continued public hearing on the plan for a solar array on the former Liberty Mutual property off Frankland Road. The meeting is accessible via Zoom or HCAM.

Video of the Day: A family rescues a baby fox that got trapped in the backyard and eventually reunites him with his mother.

Music Video of the Day: Here’s the Thompson Twins with “Hold Me Now.” Enjoy.


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