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Business Profile: Concierge Physical Therapy opens new location in Hopkinton

by | Jun 17, 2023 | Business, Featured

Concierge Physical Therapy

Concierge Physical Therapy owner Sean Lordan (center) stands with Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce representatives Bryan Brown (left) and Brooks Farrar during a ribbon-cutting ceremony June 2.

Hopkinton residents have a new option for resolving pain and mobility issues with the opening of Concierge Physical Therapy at 22 South Street. The physical therapy clinic debuted its third location on May 1, adding to its two clinics in Sutton and Shrewsbury.

Unlike some states, Massachusetts has direct access to physical therapy; this means that potential patients do not have to see a doctor before receiving physical therapy services. “Most people think there are a lot of hoops to jump through, but you just have to pick up the phone and call us,” says Dr. Sean Lordan, the owner of Concierge Physical Therapy. “Physical therapists are the primary care providers for musculoskeletal medicine. For the most common issues, like lower back pain, your regular doctor is likely going to refer you to us anyway, so you’re better off going straight to physical therapy.”

Adds Lordan: “We want our services to be accessible, so we also accept most health insurance plans. My goal and mission is to help as many people as possible.”

The physical therapists at Concierge use manual therapy, targeted exercises, stretching, dry needling, shockwave therapy and other proven techniques to bring relief to patients of all ages. The clinic’s emphasis on manual therapy is one of the things that makes it unique, Lordan says. “We really believe in it. We’re not the clinic that you go into and nobody touches you, and they just talk to you and give you a home exercise program and say, ‘See you later,’ ” he explains. “We’re the clinic where you get hands-on care that changes your tissue so you get better.”

Shockwave therapy is another service that makes the clinic stand out. “Shockwave is unique in that it is really helpful for chronic pain, tendinopathy, tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, ankle pain and elbow pain,” Lordan says. “It’s a newer technique in the physical therapy world, even though the technology itself has been around for 20 years.” Shockwave therapy also can be helpful prior to receiving a cortisone shot as it helps stimulate the healing process, he says.

In addition to its specialized techniques, Lordan says Concierge focuses on building relationships. “The connection and trust piece is so important,” he says, “because we want to be able to guide people throughout their whole lives as different aches and pains arise.”

When Lordan interviews prospective therapists for his clinics, he always asks how many return patients they have. “It’s important, because that means they’re delivering value,” he says. “They’re making lives better.”

Knowing that his team is helping people is what gets Lordan out of bed each day. “I’ve worked with professional athletes and Olympic athletes, but what really makes me tick is when I fix people,” he says. “When I see somebody six months later, and they’re like, ‘Hey, you fixed my low back pain, and because of you, my life is better’ — that’s a pretty cool feeling.”

To learn more, visit conciergephysicaltherapy.com or call 978-517-4500.

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