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Candidate questionnaire: Liisa Jackson

by | Jun 3, 2020 | Uncategorized

Liisa JacksonPosition being sought: Parks & Recreation Commission

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Medical Reserve Corps director

Education: Emergency management

Years lived in Hopkinton: 20

Governmental experience: Land Use Study Committee — managed Center Trail project and petitioned Town Meeting for funding

Additional volunteer/service experience: Trails Club, Medical Reserve Corps, homeless shelter staffing, disaster shelter staffing, opiate program volunteer, 4-H, and other volunteering throughout my life

General statement: I hope to serve on the Parks & Recreation Commission. My experience volunteering and eagerness to serve the town of Hopkinton would make me a good fit on the commission.

I will support the Parks and Rec staff to direct and oversee policies and operations regarding parks and open spaces under their custody.

I hope with my background in training development and community organization that I can be an asset to the commission and support and enhance recreation programs in town.

I will support The Hopkinton Parks and Recreation Commission’s mission to provide a sustainable parks and recreational program that enhances the quality of life for the Hopkinton community.

I will support the Parks and Recreation Commission’s vision to be the community leader in providing and promoting high-quality recreational experiences and park facilities that enhance the lifestyle for residents and visitors of the community.

Thank you for your consideration.


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