Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
12:49 pm, Sunday, February 16, 2025
temperature icon 34°F
Humidity 94 %
Wind Gust: 16 mph


Police & Fire

Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

ARRESTS April 18 6:13 p.m. On Main Street, Sergeant Aaron O’Neil and Officer Matthew LaTour arrested a 45-year-old from Haverhill on a warrant. 10:35 p.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield and Officer Cody Normandin conducted a motor vehicle stop on West Main Street and...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, April 17 edition

ARRESTS April 9 3:33 p.m. Officer Sean McKeon checked on a vehicle on South Street and found it unoccupied with a pair of leather gloves in the passenger seat. Off on foot, Officer McKeon located the owner on Hayward Street. Officer Brennan Grimley responded and...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, April 10 edition

ARRESTS April 4 6:12 p.m. A caller reported a female was struck by a car on Hayden Rowe Street and was unconscious and breathing. Multiple officers responded and the State Police were requested, and the victim was transported to the hospital. The suspect was stopped...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, April 3 edition

ARRESTS March 30 8:57 p.m. A caller reported a woman in a broken-down vehicle in a West Elm Street parking lot who asked for an officer’s help. Sergeant Gregg DeBoer and Officers Cody Normandin and Nicholas Saletnik responded and subsequently arrested a 52-year-old...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, March 27 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG March 19 1:28 a.m. Officer Tyler Staback made checks of Sandy...

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Krauss fired up for Boston Marathon run

Krauss fired up for Boston Marathon run

A Boston Marathon detail assignment six years ago for Hopkinton Fire Department Lt. John Krauss connected him with the Michael Lisnow Respite Center, forging a bond that inspired him and his wife to run the Boston Marathon in support of the center's clients. Krauss,...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, March 20 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG March 12 12:45 a.m. Officer Brennan Grimley made checks of Clinton...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, March 13 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG March 5 3:06 a.m. Officer Brennan Grimley came across multiple...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, March 6 edition

ARRESTS February 27 11:49 p.m. Sergeant William Burchard and Officers Shannon Beloin and Robert Ekross responded to a motor vehicle accident on Cedar Street where a driver struck a pole. A 58-year-old Weston Lane resident was arrested and charged with marked lanes...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, Feb. 28 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG February 20 1:00 a.m. Officer Sean McKeon checked on Wood Street...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, Feb. 21 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG February 13 8:17 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker made checks of Sandy...

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Arrests/Police Log, April 24 edition

Arrests/Police Log, Feb. 14 edition

ARRESTS None this week. [Editor's note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual's name after it has been posted for approximately one week.] POLICE LOG February 6 12:13 a.m. Officer Tyler Staback made checks of the...

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Key Storage 4.14.22