Local students honored for college success
At Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the following Hopkinton residents were named to the dean’s list for the spring semester: senior Amanda Dings (aerospace engineering), senior Kameron Yagoobi (industrial engineering), junior Jeremy Jacobs (chemical engineering), junior Evan Goldstein (computer science), junior Abigail Gilbert (mechanical engineering), junior Michael Palmieri (physics), sophomore Rajkumar Dandekar (mechanical engineering) and sophomore Isaac Stilwell (mechanical engineering). …

Quinn Fitzpatrick, a senior majoring in biochemistry, was named to the dean’s list at the University of Rochester. …
At the Rochester Institute of Technology in May, Connor Murdock graduated with a B.S. in industrial engineering and an M.E. in industrial and systems engineering, while Jake Scumaci received a B.F.A. in film and animation. …
The following Hopkinton residents were among the students to receive degrees at the University of Massachusetts undergraduate commencement on May 10: Nicole Annenberg, Zachary Best, Ryan Bloomer, Madeline Boyce, Tara Branch, Danielle Branscomb, Natalie Centola, Nicole Comeau, John Daley III, Sydney Dawson, Anthony DePaolo, Connor Diercks, Shae Feather, Cyrus Freshman, Isabel Hagberg, Michelle Heeney, Timothy Jenis, Alexander Joyce, Conrad Lavoie, Tai Martire, Michaela Mikulis, Austin Morrissey, Alex Neary, Matthew Nixon, Taylor Odell, Ashley Olafsen, Samantha Petruska, Nicholas Pomeroy, Jessica Rector, Kyran Schnur, Andrew Skrzypczak, Jacqueline Thompson, Uriel Tyler, Yuxiao Wang. …
At Bryant University’s commencement exercises in May, Jason Bartolini graduated cum laude with a B.S. in data science, Annie Campbell graduated with a B.S. in business administration, and Reed Heim graduated with a B.S. in data science. …
Gregory J. Holler graduated magna cum laude from Elon University College with a B.S. in business administration after majoring in finance. Holler was named to Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies. He will attend Columbia Law School in the fall.
Editor’s note: Information for college honors is provided by the schools. Those interested in being included in this section should request for the school to email the information to: Editor@hopkintonindependent.com.