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HEF’s Denim and Diamonds Affair March 9

by | Mar 6, 2019 | News

Last year’s HEF event raised more than $23,000 to support the Hopkinton Public Schools.

Whether you prefer denim or diamonds, you are sure to have a fun evening at the annual Hopkinton Education Foundation fundraising gala.

The Denim and Diamonds Affair will be held on March 9 from 7 p.m. to midnight at the Doubletree by Hilton in Milford. Along with appetizers and a cash bar, there will be numerous silent auctions and raffles, music by DJ Sam Comfort and a live auction emceed by Rachel Werrick from Marty’s Fine Wines.

The Gala is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year for the Hopkinton Education Foundation (HEF), with last year’s Gala raising over $23,000 for the foundation that supports grants and initiatives for the Hopkinton Public Schools.

Although in years past the gala has been a formal-attire affair, the HEF decided to mix things up a bit and have people “come as they are.”

“We thought [the gala] may be off-putting to some people because of its formality,” said HEF communication chairperson Charusmitha Ram. “This way people can come however they want, it’s totally up to them.”

An event that has been held for over 25 years, the evening is a chance to mingle with other parents and community members and learn more about the great things that the HEF has done to help the school district, as well as raising funds for important programs and initiatives at the schools, according to Ram.

“People will have a fun night of socializing with other parents and meeting the HEF board and get an idea of the kind of work we do,” she said.

The HEF got its start in 1991 as a way to use donations made by residents and businesses to fund programs that are not covered by regular school budgets. The first grant applications asked for basic necessities such as items for supply closets and reading areas and other low-tech items. The needs of the district have risen since the first grant of $12,000 was funded in 1992, and in 2018 the HEF awarded close to $56,000. The grants including a variety of innovative programs such as providing regular access to a certified therapy dog for Hopkinton High School students, funding A World of Difference Institute Peer Training Program for middle and high school students offered through the Anti-Defamation League, and funding new flexible workspaces to create “a dynamic learning environment for students.”

Tickets for the Denim and Diamonds Affair can be purchased online via hopkintoneducationfoundation.org. Tickets are $85 per person. Raffle tickets also are available for purchase online.


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