Members of the Hopkinton High School Business Professionals of America pose for a photo at the state leadership conference in Norwood earlier this month.
Hopkinton High School’s Business Professionals of America club members participated in the state leadership conference March 4-5 in Norwood, and 22 students qualified for the National Leadership Conference on April 26-30 in Anaheim, California.
Dhruv Shah was elected state president, while Vainavi Malisetty was elected state secretary.
Earning first-place awards in the state competition were Veer Bhatia, Pranamya Keshkamat and Shaurya Patni (Network Design team), Ryan Hicks, Pranav Kapoor, Robert Litscher and Samuel Vasington (Global Marketing team), Anya Krishnamony, Odundo Omondi and Emily Skaff (User Experience Design Using Adobe XD team), Neya Rajasingh (Financial Analyst), Kaesha Rajgor (Economic Research) and Sahithi Pogula (Health Leadership).
Second-place finishers included Neil Abraham, Kyle Bertucci-Bissonette, Nathan Carson and Bharat Mekala (Small Business Management team), Harini Thatigutla (Global Marketing), Sanketh Udupa (Digital Media Production) and Alveena Ehsan (Health Leadership).
Additionally, Surya Raja competed in Digital Media Production.