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Hopkinton COVID-19 update for Feb. 11: Town has 32 active cases; Natick Mall to host vaccination site

by | Feb 11, 2021 | Featured: News, News

Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for Feb. 11.

COVID-19 Updates and Precautions
Feb. 11 update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:

As of Feb. 11, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 697 total ​confirmed COVID-19 cases; 32 of those cases are active, with 648 recoveries and 17 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on ​Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard, which is updated frequently.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health COVID-19 Weekly Public Health Report — ​NEW UPDATE
The Weekly COVID-19 Public Health Report includes enhanced, more granular information to be updated on a weekly or biweekly basis, including town-by-town case and testing information, cases and deaths in long-term care facilities, updates on nursing facility audit results, and more. mass.gov/doc/weekly-covid-19-public-health-report-february-11-2021/download

Caregiver Vaccinations —​ NEW UPDATE
Effective Thursday, Feb. 11, at mass vaccination sites, an individual who is accompanying a person age 75 or older to get the vaccine may schedule their own appointment to be vaccinated on the same day. ​A caregiver must schedule their own appointment online for the same day and location as the 75 or older resident. Only one caregiver may accompany a 75 or older resident. Individuals can go to mass.gov/covidvaccine​ and schedule two separate appointments at either the same time or adjacent. ​Click here for more information.

Natick Mass Vaccination Site — ​NEW UPDATE
An additional mass vaccination site is scheduled to open on Monday, Feb. 22, at the Natick Mall with LabCorp as the provider. This site will begin administering 500 doses per day, then increasing over the course of several weeks to administering 3,000 doses daily. All eligible residents will be able to use this site. Eligible residents can begin booking appointments for the Natick site on Feb. 18. For appointment booking, visit ​mass.gov/covidvaccine​.

Local (Hopkinton) Vaccination Clinic Information — ​REMINDER
On Sunday, Feb. 7, Hopkinton released a special update with local vaccine information. ​Only Phase 1 and 75-plus-year-old residents are eligible for vaccines at this time.​ ​Click here to read more.

How Can Hopkinton Youth & Family Services Support You During These Times? ​— NEW UPDATE
Is there a resource you seek? Wishing you had someone to listen? Struggling with a problem that could use professional support? Send us your questions here: ​forms.gle/PiX8Vxow4r7AQtPPA​. You can remain anonymous and we will answer your question on one of the next COVID update pages. Or you can share with us your contact information and we will reach out to you to provide direct assistance. Or you can always call us at 508-497-9781. Be sure to leave a message and we will return your call.

An example of a common question:
Q: Where can I find a counselor/therapist during this challenging time?

INTERFACE Referral Service​ is a resource that is free to every Hopkinton resident. A 20-minute intake starts the process of finding a clinician that is right for you in terms of location, availability, specialty and preferences. A match can be found in as little as two weeks. Call Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1-888-244-6843 (toll free); 617-332-3666 (local).

General Massachusetts Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line — ​NEW UPDATE
Gov. Baker has announced a new call center to help residents 75 and older more easily schedule an appointment if they do not have internet or are unable to use the website at ​mass.gov/COVIDVaccine​. The COVID-19 Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line is a dedicated telephone line available to residents 75 and older. The call center will be staffed with over 500 representatives who can provide live phone support to assist residents with booking an appointment. The line will be open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Live call center workers will be available in English and Spanish, and 100 additional languages will be available through translators. Call center workers will have the same access to appointments that users will see on the public website.

The line can be accessed by dialing 2–1–1 and selecting the prompt for “Help Scheduling a Vaccine Appointment.​” Residents may have to wait on the line given expected high call volume.

Hopkinton Town Hall reopened to the public as of Aug. 10. Appointments are required ​due to the state’s COVID-19 limits on building occupancy​: ​Click here for more information​. All town departments are open for business and many transactions can be completed online. We are available via phone and email to assist during regular business hours. A full Town Directory can be ​found here​. A box at the front door of Town Hall may be used to drop off correspondence, applications, etc., and they may also be mailed or emailed.

Please remember to practice social distancing, wear a face covering, wash your hands often, and be safe.


Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA

Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov


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