Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
From the Mayflower to incorporation: Lecture covers early Hopkinton history

Chuck Joseph discusses the origins of the town of Hopkinton during a presentation at the Hopkinton Public Library in October. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO
The History of Hopkinton lecture series continues tomorrow with a presentation all about the early history of the town.
Chuck Joseph and Aubrey Doyle are putting on the talk, which will be held at Hopkinton High School. It is the next installment in a series of presentations about the history of Hopkinton.
The Hopkinton Historical Society and the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce are co-sponsoring the event.
This presentation will focus on the town’s history from 1620 to 1715, ending on the the year Hopkinton officially was incorporated.
Joseph says the talk is meant to be lighthearted and take a “big history” approach to understanding the town’s history.
“It’s about the big trends, not the minutiae,” said Joseph.
The talk is designed also to provide both the “European version and indigenous version of what happened.”
Joseph, who has been working on this History of Hopkinton series with Doyle for about 10 years, said he hopes these talks help open people’s minds in ways they might not have known were possible.
“[We want] to give people a better sense of their hometown and how it all fits together for their worldview,” explained Joseph.
Admission to the talk is free, and the event begins at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
Latest News
After a discrepancy over trash receptacles, the Conservation Commission voted last Tuesday to continue a hearing regarding a proposed bakery on West Main Street so that the applicant could update their plans.
In the latest installment of Independent Thoughts, read about how Faith Community Church has teamed up with Project Just Because to make sure area children who are in need receive gifts this Christmas.
This week’s Police Log features one arrest, along with reports of a tractor falling off a trailer and someone speeding through the high school parking lot.
Despite a strong start in the Thanksgiving Day football classic on Thursday, the Hillers fell to Ashland in a 34-14 decision.
Steven Uliss, 61, passed away Nov. 22. A resident of Hopkinton, Uliss “pioneered the advent of true Southern BBQ in the greater New England region” at his restaurant, Firefly’s BBQ.
Town meetings tonight include the Planning Board (7).
Photo of the Day
A squirrel holds an acorn in its mouth as it descends a tree on Walcott Street.