Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
The Elementary School Building Committee on Wednesday reflected on the town’s votes to support the new school project and discussed a potential issue with permitting.
Town department heads convened in a two-hour virtual “all hands” meeting Wednesday to discuss their respective visions and how they will be integrated into the town’s strategic plan.
The annual Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce Holiday Stroll and Girl Scouts Caroling on the Common are set for this Saturday.
A traffic study will be conducted next Thursday on side streets along the Main Street Corridor Project in response to public requests.
As the holiday season approaches and gifts begin to be shipped and delivered, Chief Joseph Bennett and the Hopkinton Police Department have provided tips to help community members prevent package theft.
This week’s Baypath Adoptable Animal is Sport, a 1-year-old who “likes to toss around the football, go on fun walks in the fall leaves, and eat some game day nachos.”
Photo of the Day: Mike Whalen (right), organizer of the annual Toys for Toys program in Hopkinton, poses with Officer Brennan Grimley next to the collection box at the Hopkinton Police Department headquarters on Main Street.