Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
The School Committee on Thursday reached a consensus to narrow down its name choices for the new elementary school to town- and site-related geographic/natural environment alternatives. A decision was postponed until member Adam Munroe could be present.
Sreya Ravi had such a positive experience with Business Professionals of America at Hopkinton High School that she remains closely tied to the organization today. A sophomore at Northeastern University, Ravi is serving as executive vice president of BPA’s post-secondary division, a national leadership role.
Hopkinton’s Department of Public Works announced that work will begin on the Fruit Street bridge over the MBTA tracks/Sudbury River today, according to information from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Work is scheduled daily from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Lane shifts and/or alternating lane closures are expected, and drivers are asked to be aware of possible delays.
Our latest Professional Insights from Edward Jones financial advisor Mark Freeman wonders if it’s time for a financial spring cleaning.
The Mental Health Collaborative will host a program on Mental Health Essentials for Parents and Caregivers today from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Hopkinton Center for the Arts.
Town meetings tonight include the Appropriation Committee (5), Community Preservation Committee (5) and Sustainable Green Committee (6).
Photo of the Day: The Friends of Hopkinton’s annual Family Fling was held Saturday at Hopkinton Middle School, and we have photos.

Activities are spread out across Brown Gym. PHOTO/JOHN CARDILLO
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