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Hopkinton Today: Thursday, April 16

by | Apr 16, 2020 | Featured Front Page, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton!

For those new to the site, this post is a daily update we call Hopkinton Today. We’ll have a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights for the coming day and a video or two to brighten your day.

Yesterday in this space we had an update on the Hayden Rowe/Chestnut Street intersection with a photo of the paving work that was done Tuesday. Below is an updated photo of how the road looked Wednesday afternoon. DPW director John Westerling reports that line marking will be done by the end of this week. The signals, currently blinking yellow and red, should become fully functional in another two weeks, after a 30-day mandatory testing period, Westerling explained.

Hayden Rowe-Chestnut intersection 4-15-20

The intersection at Hayden Rowe and Chestnut Street has been paved but still needs line markers. PHOTO/JERRY SPAR

Westerling also said the town took pavement milling from the intersection and transported it to the recently purchased town property behind Town Hall to help the transformation of that land into a parking lot. He said he expects the lot should be available for parking by the end of this month, although more work eventually will be done on the property.

Meanwhile, the parking lot behind Bill’s Pizzeria, which includes the access lane next to Town Hall, will be closed today through at least Friday afternoon as the lot — owned by Bill’s Pizzeria — is being prepped for repaving, which will take place next Wednesday.

The town yesterday reminded runners that they should not plan to head to the Boston Marathon starting line on Monday, the original date for the race. Parking restrictions will be in effect, and police will be on hand to discourage people from taking to the course.

Video of the day: Not much to see here, just a groundhog patiently eating a slice of pizza outside a Philadelphia home while two dogs watch.

Music video of the day: Here’s Santa Esmeralda with their 1977 remake of “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood.” Enjoy.


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