Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
The Historical Commission at its meeting Tuesday night weighed in on properties belonging the owner of the Hopkinton Drug building, which is targeted to be replaced by a mixed-use development that would include retail and residential units.
Since its inception 30 years ago, the Hopkinton Parent Teacher Organization has raised $2.75 million in support of the Hopkinton School district, for preschool through 12th grade, organizers said.
More than 40 donated books relating to special education recently were delivered by the Special Education Parent Advisory Council to the Marathon School library, where they are on display in time for March’s Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
This week’s Police Log includes three arrests along with reports of a fight between two dogs, a road rage incident between a biker and driver, and a tree falling and pulling down wires on Fruit Street.
The Hopkinton Women’s Club will host its 36th annual Meet the Candidates Night on Tuesday, April 23, at 7 p.m. The event will be broadcast live on HCAM.
Town meetings tonight include the School Committee (6:30) and Open Space Preservation Commission (7).
Photo of the Day: A motorcycle stands alongside some snow at Hopkinton State Park on a recent day.