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Hopkinton Today: Tuesday, Dec. 8

by | Dec 8, 2020 | Hopkinton Today, Z-Lead Image Front Page

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.

Hopkinton health director Shaun McAuliffe, during an appearance on Monday’s Hopkinton Hangout Hour on HCAM, continued to sound the alarm regarding the post-holiday spike in COVID-19 cases in town. “We’re in a surge,” McAuliffe said, noting there are 42 active cases in town. “Hopkinton, like everybody else around us, is seeing a significant increase in the rate of illness.”

During its Monday night meeting the Planning Board raised objections to the plan for a two cul-de-sac development in the Cedar Street area, sending it back to the drawing board after not approving a waiver request.

Leading off the newest edition of Business Briefs, Milford Regional Physician Group announced that Dr. Melissa Mahr has joined Hopkinton Primary Care.

Senior Snippets includes a variety of upcoming events, including the Senior Center’s holiday dinner, a jigsaw puzzle swap, a book club and TED Talks.

Town board/committee meetings tonight include the Select Board (6), Conservation Commission (7) and Community Preservation Committee (7).

Photo of the Day: A Magi and a shepherd wait to be placed in the Town Common Nativity scene, which was installed by members of Faith Community Church of Hopkinton on Monday morning.

Nativity scene figures


Video of the Day:



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