Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.
Hopkinton health director Shaun McAuliffe, during an appearance on Monday’s Hopkinton Hangout Hour on HCAM, continued to sound the alarm regarding the post-holiday spike in COVID-19 cases in town. “We’re in a surge,” McAuliffe said, noting there are 42 active cases in town. “Hopkinton, like everybody else around us, is seeing a significant increase in the rate of illness.”
During its Monday night meeting the Planning Board raised objections to the plan for a two cul-de-sac development in the Cedar Street area, sending it back to the drawing board after not approving a waiver request.
Leading off the newest edition of Business Briefs, Milford Regional Physician Group announced that Dr. Melissa Mahr has joined Hopkinton Primary Care.
Senior Snippets includes a variety of upcoming events, including the Senior Center’s holiday dinner, a jigsaw puzzle swap, a book club and TED Talks.
Town board/committee meetings tonight include the Select Board (6), Conservation Commission (7) and Community Preservation Committee (7).
Photo of the Day: A Magi and a shepherd wait to be placed in the Town Common Nativity scene, which was installed by members of Faith Community Church of Hopkinton on Monday morning.

Video of the Day: