Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.
At Monday’s Annual Town Meeting, residents debated the need for an addition and renovations at Hopkins Elementary School before voting to supporting the $48.5 million ask. Town Meeting addressed half of the 52 articles on the warrant, approving all — although some were for no action — except one. Annual Town Meeting will resume Tuesday following Special Town Meeting’s five articles.
Teams from Hopkinton Middle School and Hopkinton High School competed at the VEX Robotics World Championships from April 25 to May 3 in Dallas. The students qualified by winning awards in regional and qualifying events.
This week’s Real Estate Transactions list shows seven sales, including the Hopkinton Drug property being sold to Main Street Crossing LLC for $3.6 million, with the abutting property on Cedar Street added for another $200,000.
The Hopkinton Trails Club will host a group walk at Upton State Forest on Sunday, May 19, at 1 p.m. This walk will start at the State Forest headquarters and follow the trails to a heron rookery.
Town meetings tonight include Special Town Meeting at the Hopkinton Middle School auditorium (7).
Photo of the Day: Hopkinton High School tennis player Evanya Mathur returns a shot while doubles partner Aarushi Kamra watches during a recent match.