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3:11 pm, Tuesday, September 17, 2024
temperature icon 82°F
Humidity 34 %
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Hopkinton Today: Wednesday, March 3

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.

Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh sent an email to schools families Tuesday indicating that late last week the district had its first confirmed case (by the Hopkinton Health Department and Massachusetts Department of Public Health) of student-to-student transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the schools. There also have been three confirmed cases of adult-to-adult transmission, “two of which took place when masks were not being worn,” Cavanaugh wrote.

Health director Shaun McAuliffe, appearing before Select Board at Tuesday’s meeting, said he wanted to make clear the roles and responsibilities for his department and the School Department as it relates to following individuals with COVID-19 exposure. “I’m concerned that there has been a misunderstanding and am hoping that we can clarify our roles so we do not misrepresent the facts,” McAuliffe said.

The Select Board voted unanimously Tuesday to allow Main Street Corridor Project construction crews to use Marathon Way — the short road that runs between the Town Common and the Doughboy statue, connecting Main Street to Ash Street — as a staging area while work is being done downtown.

Planning board members on Monday voted 5-4 to recommend Town Meeting approval of a proposed commercial ground-mounted solar overlay district map, while also supporting a zoning bylaw change that address solar developments. In the works for more than two years, the map delineates properties where commercial solar arrays can be sited in the town, with a majority of those properties located along the Interstate 495 corridor, along with a few other scattered parcels.

Town meetings tonight include the town’s All-Hands Meeting (6).

Photo of the Day: A fallen tree blocks the roadway on Winter Street on Tuesday. It was one of a number of issues caused by strong winds.

Winter Street fallen tree


Video of the Day:


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