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Hopkinton Today: Wednesday, Oct. 20

by | Oct 20, 2021 | Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.

In his COVID-19 update at Tuesday’s Select Board meeting, Hopkinton Health Director Shaun McAuliffe noted the town is in the midst of a surge in cases and suggested the schools should continue to enforce mask use until younger children get vaccinated and teachers get booster shots, both of which he hopes will be completed before the winter break. McAuliffe also said that following a discussion with Town Manager Norman Khumalo, the town will not discourage trick-or-treating this Halloween.

Department of Public Works Director John Westerling, appearing before the Select Board at Tuesday’s meeting, provided an update on the issue with level of contaminants in the town’s water supply, indicating that another test showed even higher levels. A public information meeting — on Zoom and to be broadcast on HCAM — has been scheduled for next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.

Leading off the Select Board roundup, Shannon Beloin was unanimously approved as the town’s newest police officer, and Ron Priefer was selected to fill the open Planing Board seat.

The Planning Board met Monday night to review a number of projects, including the long-dormant but recently revived proposed subdivision that would be situated between Blueberry Lane and Marathon School/EMC Park.

Town meetings tonight include the Sustainable Green Committee (6:30), Trails Coordination and Management Committee (7) and Trustees of the School Fund (7:30).

Photo of the Day: Prior to last Friday’s Hopkinton High School football game, RE/MAX real estate agent Allen Connell (left) sponsored a giveaway of frozen yogurt from Hop-Yo, which was represented by owner Matt Colleran.

HHS football tailgate

Video of the Day:



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