Milford Regional Medical Center recently honored the more than 400 volunteers who contribute their time and talents to support patients and staff with a celebratory luncheon at the Hopedale Community House.
The annual luncheon is an opportunity for department managers and administrative staff to show their appreciation and thank the volunteers for their service. Milford Regional has a total of 481 adult volunteers who contributed 31,400 hours supporting patients and staff in 42 different roles in the hospital, cancer center and offsite rehab centers.
Hopkinton residents who were honored included Lynn Bono, Bob Cole, Debby Cole, Renee Dean, Mark Haggerty, Janice Harriman, Phil Kuehne, Doug Kulig, Sue Lowy, Noreen Mastroianni, Elizabeth McBride, Eileen Ryan, Donna Tamagno and Judy Weinthaler.
Bob Cole received special recognition for his 4,000 hours of volunteer service.