The town’s latest Main Street Corridor Project update released Friday shared that Eversource has completed all of its overhead and underground relocation of cables.
The utility company has begun removing its old overhead lines in the project’s underground section, located between the Police Station and Ash Street.
Meanwhile, Comcast has started to install lines to its new underground infrastructure. Once completed, the company will begin pulling the lines to the buildings so it can schedule the transferral of service from its overhead lines to the new underground lines.
After Comcast finishes its work, Verizon will begin to remove the existing utility poles between the Police Station and Ash Street. Verizon may remove poles as its work progresses rather than wait for all of its work to be completed.
A.F. Amorello & Sons, the project’s construction company, has been onsite making repairs. The company is expected to return at the beginning of April to complete its work.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation recently approved the town’s request for additional landscaping.
When will we have lights @ the pedestrian crossing in front of BoMain?