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Planning Board approves Turkey Ridge subdivision plan

by | Nov 15, 2021 | Business, Featured: News, News

The Planning Board approved the definitive subdivision plan for Turkey Ridge Estates during its meeting Monday night after the developer shared some changes and the board added some conditions.

The proposed eight-lot definitive subdivision, originally known as Deer Ridge Estates, is to be located off Cedar Street Extension and Lincoln Street.

“We’ve got some revised findings; I think we’ve got some thoughtful conditions that help ensure this is going to be a good development,” Planning Board Chair Gary Trendel said before the vote, which was unanimous.

Changes presented by the developer included adjustments to the emergency road and stormwater management plan as well as a sign warning drivers of the new road that is to be constructed on the northern side of Cedar Street Extension. The project also includes an extension of Lincoln Street, which is on the border with Southborough.

“Quite a bit of the revision was tied up with the access drive,” explained site planner Joe Marquedant on behalf of the applicant.

There was some concern about a homeowners association (HOA) agreement to maintain the emergency access road — which will connect Lincoln Street to the new road but be inaccessible to non-emergency vehicles — and what the town would do if the HOA failed to live up to the agreement.

Applicant Courtney Derderian said she was advised by her attorney that the town would be able to take legal action against the HOA if that were to be the case.

Principal Planner John Gelcich suggested putting in writing that the HOA was responsible for maintaining the road in perpetuity.

The board approved multiple waivers, including one to allow the new road to be a few feet short of the required 125 feet from another roadway (in this case, Wedgewood Drive). Marquedant explained that the adjustment allows for a smoother transition for the sidewalk, which he said also makes it safer for drivers. That waiver approval carried 5-2.

Another waiver was for steeper slopes around the retention basins, as the applicants explained that there is limited room between the lot backyards and land reserved for open space. That waiver approval also carried 5-2.


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