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Select Board decides to slow deputy police chief hiring process, announces town manager finalists

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Featured: News, News, Police & Fire

The Select Board at its meeting Tuesday night decided unanimously to slow down the process for hiring a deputy police chief despite the process reaching its penultimate stage in order to allow for the review of police manual language on review periods for senior staff.

Human Resources director Jessica Lewerenz explained that four candidates completed their evaluations at the assessment center after an initial interview screening. The final step, she said, was for the Select Board to interview the top three candidates and make the decision.

Member Joe Clark thought the process should be put on hold for “a couple of months,” noting that the town’s priority is to select a new town manager. He also said there was a police promotion a couple of months ago that he felt should be evaluated first.

Scott van Raalten was promoted to lieutenant from sergeant detective in April. Two other HPD sergeants also were in contention for the position. During the interview process, HPD Chief Joseph Bennett said van Raalten had been acting as his “second in command” since August 2022.

At this meeting, Bennett said van Raalten was “doing a fantastic job.” There also are two candidates for promotion to sergeants, with promotion being “a big part of the department’s morale.”

He added that he was willing to slow down the process so that he could discuss his plans for building out the department. Over the past several months, the department has hired several officers to build up its base.

Bennett mentioned that there was language in the department manual about an introductory period before a review that he could verify for the board. Lewerenz noted that the town does not have a policy in place as to how long a person could be in a role, such as lieutenant, before hypothetically in this case applying to become deputy chief.

Member Amy Ritterbusch explained that the chief has been before the board over the past year detailing those plans. Clark was elected to his role in May.

“This is an important position, and it’s been out there for a while,” added member Shahidul Mannan. “We’ve been following due process, and the hiring process seems to be maturing to the final stage.”

Clark countered that the position already has been open for more than a year. An additional few weeks for this important role, he said, shouldn’t make that much of a difference.

Select Board vice chair Mary Jo LaFreniere said the board already has taken criticism for not filling leadership roles in the Police Department more quickly.

Said LaFreniere: “We’ve come to a point where it’s time.”

Clark replied that he “just wanted to be diligent on this,” which led to the unanimous vote for a delay.

Town manager candidates to attend Thursday forum

Lewerenz told the board that the four candidates for town manager will be attending a meet and greet event at the library from 6-8 p.m. Residents can circulate throughout the room during that time frame to meet with them. She will have a survey available there for attendees to complete to give feedback on the candidates.

Because Thursday is expected to be the hottest day of the year thus far, Lewerenz said the crowd may be moved to another room due to heat regulations at the library.

Interim Town Manager Elaine Lazarus, who has served as assistant town manager for many years, is a candidate. Also in contention for the role are Lance DelPriore, Jason Hoch and Christopher Senior.


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