The Hopkinton Senior Center remains closed to the public, but the staff remains available to assist residents. Call (508) 497-9730 if in need of assistance, with questions or just to say hi. For a more extensive listing of programs check or
Lunch Program
The Senior Center, partially funded by a grant from the MetroWest Health Foundation, is running a limited takeout lunch program (Tuesday-Friday) for Hopkinton seniors, particularly those who are homebound and/or have relied on the center for their daily main meal in the past. While there are limited quantities, anyone who knows of a senior who might benefit from this program can call the Senior Center at 508-497-9730. Cost is $2 per meal.

Transportation Program
The Senior Center has been awarded a generous grant from the Massachusetts Area Planning Council in partnership with MassDevelopment to provide much needed transportation assistance for medical appointments and essential shopping needs such as prescription pickups and grocery shopping utilizing taxi companies. Residents 60 and older, veterans and individuals who are homebound due to a disability can call the Senior Center Outreach Department (508-497-9730, ext. 1615) at least three business days in advance of an appointment for assistance in scheduling a ride Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Strict safety guidelines are followed for sanitizing cabs, and mask wearing is required by both driver and passenger. This program will operate as funding permits. Rides are limited to twice a week. Anyone who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive or is awaiting test results may not use the program.
Exercise Classes via Zoom
Call to register
Chair yoga, Mondays, 9 a.m.
Zumba, Mondays, 2 p.m.
Exercising with Joni, Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m.
Tap dancing, Tuesdays, 2 p.m.
Barre, Wednesdays, 2 p.m.
Boot camp, Thursdays, 2 p.m.
Books, Books and More Books
Friday, April 23, 12:30 p.m.
Seniors are invited to participate in a book club being held virtually (phone, laptop or iPad) to share what they have been reading and to get reading suggestions. Participants should call the Senior Center for the call-in number or Zoom meeting invitation link.
Fashion and the First Lady
Friday, May 7, 12:30 p.m.
During the course of history, America’s first ladies have been watched, admired, copied, sometimes criticized and followed for their fashion and style. This presentation will look at the clothing and accessories worn by the presidents’ wives, from the earliest first lady to the current president’s wife, Jill Biden. Call the Senior Center to register.
Our Time Memory Cafe
Call for dates (Virtual)
Our Time Memory Cafe is a welcoming gathering for those experiencing forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment or living with dementia, and their care partner, family and friends. The cafe is a place to socialize, share experiences with others going through similar changes, and form friendships. A care partner must accompany anyone who requires assistance. The program is a joint venture between the Hopkinton Senior Center and Hopkinton Public Library. For more information or to register, call (508) 497-0108 or email
TED Talks
Mondays, 12:30 p.m.
In 1984 TED Talks were created to bring technology, entertainment and design information to the curious and open-minded public. These videos cover a wide array of subjects and always lead to lively discussion and conversation. The Outreach Program at the Senior Center will have casual TED Talks group meetings over Zoom for one hour every Monday at 12:30 p.m. The meeting will consist of viewing a video and then discussing it. The program is free. Register by calling the Senior Center at 508-497-9730.