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Summer Fun Business Profile: Education Station

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Business

Education Station excels at mindful learning

Christine Chapman and Sims Yun are poised to have either onsite or online programs for youth this summer, depending on public health recommendations.

“We are ready to offer online work this summer, if we need to,” stated Chapman. “We are no strangers to educating students online and know we can provide an effective learning environment to support our youth, either way.”

This summer marks the second year Education Station will offer robust programming for students of all ages. Chapman and Yun are excited to continue their passion and vision of providing goal-oriented, mindful learning. Hopkinton families have come to respect their work and expect the best.

“At Education Station, we are committed to helping young people feel known, engaged and confident,” said Chapman, “but we also want our students and families to use us as they need us.”

Here’s what the Education Station team has planned for this summer:

Summer Academy: Offers students in first through fifth grades opportunities to strengthen math, writing and reading comprehension skills.

Middle/High School Math Centers: Supports students where they need help most — with skill development for math subject areas including pre-algebra, algebra I and geometry. These sessions will help students progress, fill gaps and learn effective math study skills.

Middle School Summer Book Club: Engages middle schoolers in 90-minute work sessions offering them structure as they respond to key questions about assigned or personally selected summer titles.

AP Bio Essentials: Offers students an intensive week of AP biology foundation and groundwork, readying students for this challenging science course.

ACT and SAT Prep (a successful 24-hour program): Runs in two formats — over a six-week period or over a two-week period — for students who prefer a more intense, concentrated test prep experience.

College Application Bootcamps and College Process Workshops: Provides students with the guidance they need to tackle any aspect of college applications.

Chapman underscores the fact that Education Station has been “working with students online and in-person for a long time and is committed to supporting our community as we all navigate uncharted territory together.”

Discover more at educationstationhopkinton.com or call 508-625-1663.

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