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Superintendent: ‘Racially motivated incidents occurred in our schools’ Monday

by | Apr 30, 2024 | Education, Featured: Education

Hopkinton Public Schools Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh emailed the school community Tuesday to share that there two two “racially motivated incidents” Monday.

“We are writing to report that two separate and racially motivated incidents occurred in our schools yesterday,” Cavanaugh wrote. “These disturbing events are currently being investigated.

“The first happened during an afternoon bus run. Someone wrote a threatening message on the back of a school bus seat using the n-word. The event, we believe, happened during the HHS/HMS run. Before picking up the Marathon and Hopkins students, the driver saw what was written and was able to erase it.

“Additionally, school personnel discovered late yesterday afternoon that two swastikas were drawn with what appears to be someone’s finger in the dust on an exterior door to a storage unit behind Hopkinton High School. The n-word was also written there.

“The school administration is investigating these incidents.

“As you know, we take these incidents very seriously. We will work toward ensuring that every person feels safe in our schools and that those responsible for these acts receive consequences appropriate to their actions. Hate will not be tolerated in our schools.”

The email was signed by Cavanaugh along with the principals of the high school (Evan Bishop) and middle school (Matthew Lefebvre).

The incidents occurred two weeks after Select Board vice chair Shahidul Mannan said he was the victim of “racial attacks” in town.


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