Conservation Administrator Kim Ciaramicoli announced at the Aug. 20 Conservation Commission meeting that she has resigned after more than three years in the position. “After much reflection, I have decided to step down from my role as the Conservation Administrator,”...
Elaine Lazarus
Town announces means-tested senior tax exemption program
Town Manager Elaine Lazarus on Monday announced the availability of the Means-Tested Senior Tax Exemption Program for eligible residents. This program provides valuable tax relief to older residents who qualify based on specific criteria, she explained. “This program...
Transformers set to arrive for Main Street Corridor Project after long delay
Town Manager Elaine Lazarus announced Monday afternoon that six of the 12 transformers needed to complete the underground installation of electrical wires for the Main Street Corridor Project will be arriving this week from Eversource. After months of delay due to...
Responses to survey of town manager candidates mirror Select Board’s preference for Lazarus
The town’s Human Resources Department on Friday released the survey results from the June 20 town manager finalist meet and greet event. They mirrored the Select Board’s decision that interim Town Manager Elaine Lazarus was the strongest candidate for the job. The...
Lazarus discusses more open relationship between town and OSPC
The Open Space Preservation Commission welcomed Interim Town Manager Elaine Lazarus to its meeting Thursday night to discuss how the relationship between the OSPC and the town can improve under her leadership as the newly appointed town manager. The Select Board on...
Select Board votes unanimously to appoint Lazarus as town manager
The Select Board at its meeting Tuesday night voted unanimously for Elaine Lazarus to be appointed as Hopkinton’s new town manager, pending successful contract negotiations. Before the vote, the board interviewed the finalists for the position: Lazarus, Lance...
Town Manager finalists shine during Select Board interviews While the Select Board on Tuesday night unanimously voted to appoint Elaine Lazarus as Hopkinton’s new town manager, members also agreed that the other three candidates were well qualified for the position. Member Joe Clark...
Select Board to interview finalists for town manager Tuesday
The Select Board will interview the four finalists for town manager at its meeting Tuesday as it moves closer to appointing a permanent replacement for Norman Khumalo. Elaine Lazarus, one of the candidates, was appointed as the interim town manager on April 16. She...
Khumalo says farewell after 15 years; Lazarus sworn in as interim town manager
Norman Khumalo on Tuesday night ended his 15-year role as Hopkinton’s town manager as the Select Board voted to appoint Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus to serve as the interim town manager. Board and community members reflected on Khumalo’s tenure and...
Town Hall Q&A: Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus
Elaine Lazarus first came to Hopkinton in 1992 as town planner and she has played key roles in the town’s growth over the past three decades. She currently serves as assistant town manager. Lazarus grew up in Raynham and got her undergraduate degree from UMass in...