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Timlin Event continues race for ALS cure

by | Jun 12, 2019 | Featured

One of the highlights of the Sharon Timlin Memorial Event is the kids’ fun color run.

The 16th annual Sharon Timlin Memorial Event, A Race to Cure ALS, sprints into Hopkinton on Saturday, June 15, complete with its popular 5K race, kids’ fun color run and family fun activities.

Former Red Sox pitcher Mike Timlin, whose mother, Sharon, died of ALS in 2002 and inspired the event, will return again to meet with fans. Timlin said other familiar faces might also join him, including current Red Sox players and alumni who have attended the event in past years.

Festivities at Hopkinton High School begin rain or shine at 8:30 a.m., when the 5K commences and family fun day vendors open for business. Event director Abbie Rosenberg warns of heavy traffic and limited parking at the high school. Police at the scene will guide the flow of traffic into and out of the area, but Rosenberg encourages carpooling if possible. A free bike valet will be provided as well.

The Angel Fund, a nonprofit charity focused on raising money for ALS research and treatment, sponsors the event. This year, the group hopes to raise a minimum of $125,000 for the Cecil B. Day Laboratory for Neuromuscular Research at UMass Medical School, where Dr. Robert H. Brown Jr. serves as the head of ALS research.

Rosenberg named two primary goals for the event: raising funds for ALS research and giving the community a fun opportunity to come together.

“The biggest thing I’ve noticed at this event is that  even though we’re fighting a devastating disease, the spirit of the day is always uplifting,” Rosenberg said.

The race starts on the Hopkins School access road, just off Hayden Rowe, and finishes on the loop road next to the new turf fields.

The Sharon Timlin 5K has become a Hopkinton tradition.


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