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4:04 pm, Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Traffic light issue at Main/Cedar reportedly resolved

by | Mar 25, 2024 | News

The traffic light issue at the intersection of Routes 85 North and Route 135 West (Cedar Street and Main Street) was successfully resolved on March 12, according to the project expert.

Main Street Corridor Project specialist Michelle Murdock explained in a March 19 email to the Independent that an issue with this traffic light was first reported by a resident on March 5, with subsequent reports about it from two other residents received on March 6 and March 11, respectively.

“The left turn green arrow was not activating because the camera had tilted and was not detecting that lane of traffic (northbound on 85 turning left onto 135 West),” stated Murdock. “There was also a delay between cycles because the bike lane camera was malfunctioning. It had been assigned even though the lights for the bike lane are not yet in place.”

She added that both of these issues were corrected by Amorello’s subcontractor, Dagle Electric, on March 12.

“All three [residents] received a response from me that the problem had been shared with MassDOT,” stated Murdock, “and they were also notified when the work was completed on Tuesday, March 12.”


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