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Library Corner, Oct. 25 edition

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Featured

For more information on any of the following programs or other activities at the library, visit hopkintonlibrary.org. Visit the library’s website calendar for event registration information. The library also can be found on Facebook, @hopkintonlibrary, and on Twitter, @HopkintonPLMA.

National Friends of the Library Week
Monday-Saturday, Oct. 23-28
Patrons can show their support for the library by joining the Friends. Membership helps support programs and Adventure Passes to special attractions that library patrons can enjoy. For more information, go to hoplibraryfriends.org and click on “Get Involved.”

Preschool Story Time
Wednesday, Oct. 25, and Tuesday, Nov. 7, 11-11:45 a.m.
Mrs. C will lead an activity that includes stories, songs and maybe even a craft. This program is recommended for ages 3-6. All story times include sensory-friendly practices (visual schedules, routines, repetition, body breaks/movement, etc.). Tuesday story times, however, include additional practices such as smaller group size, lower lighting, lower music volume, etc.

Dungeons and Dragons Group
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 6-8 p.m.
Nate, Hopkinton’s resident Dungeon Master, will lead this weekly Dungeons and Dragons Group (suggested for ages 10 and older). Players will test their skills and wills through challenging and fun campaigns and character development. Upper elementary students, teens, tweens and new adults are welcome for a night of role-playing fun.

50-Plus Job Seekers Networking Group
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 6-8 p.m.
This Zoom program is a professional forum for networking with peers in a safe and comfortable environment conducive to developing new relationships and developing skills and strategies to help with a career transition. This session will focus on resumes.

Frayed Knot Fiber Arts Circle
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Participants are invited to bring their current project or pattern. This group is open to teens and adults of all skill levels. All fiber arts crafts (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch, needle felting, etc.) are more than welcome. This group meets on the second and last Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Conversation with Author John Irving
Thursday, Oct. 26, 7-8 p.m. on Zoom
In this intimate conversation that will be held virtually, international bestselling author John Irving will chat about not only his most recent novel, “The Last Chairlift,” but also about his prolific body of work and a lifetime spent writing.

A Time to Spout Off Pottery Event
Saturday, Oct. 28, 1-2:30 p.m.
This interactive pottery event is with the Pied Potter Hamelin. This workshop is a celebration of the similarities and differences experienced by many cultures by way of a pot of tea. The history of teapots will take shape on the potter’s wheel.

Holiday Photo Shoot Fundraiser
Saturday-Sunday, Oct. 28-29
This is a mini-photo session with Hopkinton photographer Tricia LaCascia. For pricing and information for sittings, visit hopkintonlibraryfriends.org.

Trick or Treating at the Library
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Those who wear a costume will get a treat at the service desks throughout the library from 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Children also can get their picture taken with a special princess who will visit from 4:30-6 p.m.

Pokémon Club After-School Free Play
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 4-5 p.m.
This program is for Pokémon players 8 and older looking for someone to play with, trade cards and chat about all that is Pokémon. This club is a peer-directed event that will be held in the main library area outside of the Young Adult Room, adjacent to the magazine area.

Conversation with Actor John Stamos
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 8-9 p.m.
This virtual program is an intimate conversation with “Full House” star John Stamos, who will lead attendees through his incredibly moving and vulnerable memoir, “If You Would Have Told Me.”

Korean Lanterns with KSCPP
Saturday, Nov. 4, 3-4 p.m.
The Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project will lead this program in which participants will learn about traditional Korean culture while creating beautiful lanterns. Registration is required.

One Book/One Hopkinton Book Discussion
Monday, Nov. 6, 9-10 a.m. at Town Hall
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 6-7 p.m. at library
This is a library staff-facilitated book discussion of the One Book/One Hopkinton book choice, “Digging to America.” Books are available at the library, compliments of the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation.

Genealogy With Eric Migdal
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
As part of the One Book/One Hopkinton program, this online event is an evening of genealogy with Eric Migdal of It’s All Relative Genealogy. As an adoptee, Migdal spent many years searching for his biological family with very few results. In this presentation, he will teach people how to search for relatives when the focus of the genealogy research is adopted.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2-7 p.m.
Registration is available at the Red Cross website at rcblood.org/3AmuYsP.

English Language Circles
English Language Learners Conversation Circles, sponsored by the Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library, are for people at all levels, whether just getting started or refining skills and vocabulary. Register at forms.gle/VmdRxxUQZRosGGwW9 to be placed with a group.


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