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Letter to the Editor: Select Board needs restart

by | May 9, 2024 | Letter to Editor

At the Select Board candidates’ Meet and Greet held April 27 at the Woodville Rod & Gun Club, one of the candidates was quoted in the news as saying “that the residents of Hopkinton … are looking for a reset on the board.”

I certainly agree with the sentiment of needing a reset on the board, and I’m a strong believer in recycling; but not the recycling of over 20 years of Hopkinton history that got us to where we are today.

We need a fresh restart.

— Edwin E Harrow, Hopkinton

Editor’s note: The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Independent. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and must include the writer’s name and contact information for verification. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event or thanking sponsors or volunteers. Letters may be edited by the Independent staff for space, errors or clarification, and the Independent offers no guarantee that every letter will be published. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, click here.


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