In December, a letter to the editor was published that questioned some of the actions of Dr. Carol Cavanaugh, superintendent of schools. As a former administrator at Elmwood School, a parent in town and now principal in a nearby town, I feel compelled to respond, as...
Letter to Editor
Letter to the Editor: Cavanaugh’s school tenure tainted by cultural biases
While many positive achievements transpired during the retiring school superintendent’s tenure, an uncertain legacy will also endure. Under the banner of combating gender bullying and making LGBTQ+ students “feel safe,” her administration went far beyond the...
Letter to the Editor: Resident opposes STM Article 8
I urge the taxpayers of Hopkinton to vote no on Article 8 until a strategic plan is offered that is realistic for the townspeople of Hopkinton, agreed upon by the Planning Board, that then can be brought to the state. The first plan was voted down at Town Meeting and...
Letter to the Editor: OSPC supports STM Article 5
I write as chair of the Open Space Preservation Commission. Because of a prior contractual agreement, I will miss the upcoming Special Town Meeting. The Open Space Preservation Commission supports Article 5, to transfer care, custody and control of Hughes Farm...
Letter to the Editor: Chamber of Commerce supports STM Articles 4, 8
The Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce supports the Special Town Meeting Article 4 proposal, that the town impose a local sales tax on meals (meals tax). The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors unanimously supports a local meals excise tax in order to specifically help...
Letter to the Editor: HRTC chair opposes NPVIC
Massachusetts is one of several Democrat-controlled states that have adopted the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC). What does this mean? When fully enacted, Massachusetts will have given up its right to award its Electoral College votes based on how the...
Letter to the Editor: Civil for Governor’s Council
I am writing to ask for your support for Tamisha Civil for Governor’s Council in this year’s election. As many of you know, Tamisha and I were competitors in the primary, and it was my privilege to get to know Tamisha in that process. She is smart, dedicated and...
Letter to the Editor: Bring back old Main Street
OK, guys, let’s end this engineering and construction practice downtown and give us our old Main Street back! Also, are the light structures going to need repainting every two years? (Lowest bid, I guess.) — Bill and Alice Hamilton, Hopkinton Editor’s note: The...
Letter to the Editor: South/Hayward rezoning goes against residents’ will
I have closely followed the ongoing debate surrounding the rezoning proposal to convert the corner of South Street and Hayward Street from residential to commercial. This issue has surfaced repeatedly, and each time, the residents have overwhelmingly voted it down...
Letter to the Editor: Town must balance character, finances
Every time a potential zoning change comes before the town, I see a letter or two accusing town officials of “catering to developers” and “destroying the character of our town.” Our town does have an idyllic rural character that we would like to preserve. Our town’s...
Letter to the Editor: No gas station in area zoned agricultural
We are writing in opposition to the 290 West Main Street project, which proposes a gas station at the intersection of West Main Street and School Street. The character of our neighborhood is at stake as well as the character of the town! Consistent with the...
Letter to the Editor: Town committees shouldn’t cater to developers
Since 1965, the zoning at Main Street and School Street as well as Hayward and South Street has remained unchanged, preserving the character of these areas. Yet, recent actions by the Board of Appeals and the Zoning Advisory Committee suggest that they cater to...
Letter to the Editor: South Street rezoning brings traffic concerns
At the Aug. 26 Zoning Advisory Committee meeting, the proposed Marguerite Concrete building was re-examined. ZAC voted yes (despite a unanimous no vote at the May 2023 Town Meeting), recommending that the Planning Board consider rezoning the property from residential...
Letter to the Editor: Zoning issues raise concerns
Zoning is a hot issue in Hopkinton right now, whether it’s the MBTA Communities Act, the [proposed] rezoning of Hayward Street and South Street for Marguerite Concrete, or developers asking for a zoning variance exception at School Street and Main Street to put in...
Letter to the Editor: Kramer for Governor’s Council
Most of you know Muriel Kramer, a person whose service to the community is remarkable. As someone who has seen Muriel in action for the past several decades, I know her to be conscientious, tenacious and not the least bit hesitant to stand by her convictions. She is...
Letter to the Editor: Resident opposes South Street rezoning
I attended the Aug. 26 Zoning Advisory Committee meeting where Marguerite Concrete’s proposal to rezone the corner of Hayward Street and South Street was discussed. Again! Brief history: Marguerite purchased these lots (zoned residential), admitted awareness of...
Letter to the Editor: Civil for Governor’s Council
I’m writing to share why I’m voting for Tamisha Civil for Governor’s Council in the Democratic primary on Sept. 3. I know Tamisha personally, and I am inspired by her story. She is the proud daughter of Haitian immigrants who came to the United States in search of...
Letter to the Editor: Police interaction appreciated
I just want to give some positive recognition to the Hopkinton Police. I was playing tennis with my 11-year-old son [earlier this summer]. My other son was playing basketball on the basketball courts. I looked over from the tennis court and there was a cop shooting...
Letter to the Editor: The Preserve pushes back on rezoning
I noticed the Planning Board is circling back to The Preserve and across the street as the parcels to be rezoned for the state’s high-density housing [as part of the MBTA Communities Act]. Why? Because the Planning Board members know these properties won’t be...
Letter to the Editor: Legacy Farms North Road needs signage
Legacy Farms North Road runs for 2 miles between Routes 135 and 85. Over the past three years, the road has attracted an increasing number of vehicles and pedestrians, as adjoining residential developments containing several hundred homes have filled out, and as...