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Letter to the Editor: Harper a write-in candidate for Cemetery Commission

by | May 11, 2024 | Letter to Editor

I am thrilled to announce my write-in candidacy for the Cemetery Commission’s two-year seat. With a deep passion for preserving our town’s heritage, I aim to bring a fresh perspective to the commission. My journey as a parent, business owner and end-of-life doula has uniquely prepared me for this responsibility.

As a parent, I understand the importance of creating and maintaining spaces that honor the past and inspire future generations. Our cemeteries are not just places of remembrance but also vital historical archives that connect us to our roots. I am committed to ensuring that these sacred grounds are upheld with reverence and care.

My experience as a business owner has taught me the value of efficiency, organization and effective management. If elected, I will bring these skills to the Cemetery Commission, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally to maintain our cemeteries’ beauty and functionality.

Furthermore, my work as an end-of-life doula has given me a profound understanding of the grieving process and the significance of meaningful end-of-life rituals. I believe in creating environments within our cemeteries that provide solace, comfort and a sense of peace for families and visitors.

My vision for Hopkinton’s cemeteries includes implementing sustainable practices, enhancing accessibility and fostering community engagement. I will work to collaborate with local organizations, volunteers and experts to achieve these goals.

Due to the late date, I was unable to file as a traditional candidate, but I am submitting myself now as a write-in candidate. I humbly ask for your support as a write-in candidate on Monday, May 20, for the two-year seat. Together, let’s ensure that our cemeteries remain a place of solace, remembrance and beauty for generations to come.

— Gina Harper, Hopkinton

Editor’s note: The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Independent. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and must include the writer’s name and contact information for verification. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event or thanking sponsors or volunteers. Letters may be edited by the Independent staff for space, errors or clarification, and the Independent offers no guarantee that every letter will be published. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, click here.


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