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Arrests/Police Log, Aug. 28 edition

by | Aug 28, 2024 | News, Police & Fire


None this week.

[Editor’s note: Hopkinton Independent policy for the arrests section is to remove the arrested individual’s name after it has been posted for approximately one week.]



August 20
12:47 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Avenue D.
12:51 a.m. A caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked on Cedar Street. Sergeant Arthur Schofield and Officer Tyler Staback responded and checked on the occupant, who was hanging out with a neighbor. All was OK.
1:21 a.m. Officer Tyler Staback made checks of the LNG plant on Wilson Street.
9:10 a.m. A walk-in reported his bike was vandalized. Officer Augusto Diaz assisted and took a report.
9:52 a.m. Multiple callers reported an erratic operator who struck two cars and then a pole on Wood Street. Sergeant Matthew Santoro and Officers Augusto Diaz and Noah Buentello responded along with the Fire Department. A crash report was taken.
1:07 p.m. A caller reported a male was harassing his work crew on Hayden Rowe Street and making inappropriate comments to female staff. Sergeants William Burchard and Matthew Santoro and Officer Augusto Diaz responded and took a report.
1:41 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz responded to a motor vehicle accident on West Main Street. No personal injuries were reported.
2:58 p.m. Officer Shannon Beloin notified Verizon of a fallen wire on Hayward Street.
5:06 p.m. Officer Shannon Beloin completed community relations on Lakeshore Drive.
6:21 p.m. A Hayden Rowe Street resident requested an officer to check if her neighbor’s car was parked legally. Sergeant Arthur Schofield responded and told both parties involved that the car was parked legally.
7:45 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour assisted a disabled motor vehicle on Grove Street.
10:30 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour made checks of Main Street buildings.

August 21
12:57 a.m. Officer Tyler Staback made checks of Lakeshore Drive property.
8:04 a.m. Officer Shannon Beloin made checks of the former Center School property on Ash Street.
10:41 a.m. Officer Shannon Beloin made checks of the field behind Cornell’s on Hayden Rowe Street.
10:47 a.m. A caller reported a vehicle with its hazard lights on backed into a guardrail on West Elm Street. Officer Shannon Beloin responded and reported an issue with the brakes caused the vehicle to rest on the guardrail. She stood by while the car was towed. Significant damage to the guardrail and minor damage to the vehicle were reported. The Fire Department applied a speedy-drying solution to the ground.
1:09 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious incident and believed her Apple ID was changed. Officer Shannon Beloin took a report.
2:00 p.m. A walk-in reported someone attempted to use his name and bank information to get money. Officer Shannon Beloin assisted, took a report and spoke to the Marlborough Police Department, as the reporting person lives in Marlborough.
5:51 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious male was smoking outside of a Lumber Street business, and when she walked past him, she saw a flash and thought he took a picture of her. She confronted him, and he showed her his phone and said he did not take a picture of her. He was described as in his 60s, with grayish hair, an accent, Hispanic, and wearing khaki shorts and a gray T-shirt. The caller wanted the incident logged.
5:58 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour issued parking citations on Lakeshore Drive.

August 22
12:06 a.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield checked on a vehicle on Legacy Farms North and found it unoccupied. He checked on and spoke with two people by the water. They were to move along shortly.
8:52 a.m. A caller reported finding a lost license on Spring Street. Officer Brian Ziniti retrieved it.
10:42 a.m. An Ash Street caller reported a raccoon was in his trash bin. He tried kicking the bin, but it would not leave. The caller wanted the animal control officer to take care of it. He was advised to let the raccoon be, and eventually it would leave. The animal control officer stated there was not much he could do, but he would speak to the caller.
11:24 a.m. Officer Noah Buentello checked on a person on Pratt Way.
1:29 p.m. A Baker Lane resident reported a coyote in her neighbor’s yard. The animal control officer was notified.
1:54 p.m. A caller reported receiving a scam phone call requesting Medicare information that she did not have. The incident was logged.
9:13 p.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield checked on a person in a vehicle on Legacy Farms North who was just grabbing something by the water.
11:17 p.m. The fire chief handed in a debit card found at Lake Whitehall during a previous call.
11:58 p.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield made checks of Woodview Way property.

August 23
12:21 a.m. Officer Sean McKeon made checks of Parkwood Drive property.
10:18 a.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik took a report of a motor vehicle accident on West Main Street.
1:48 p.m. Sergeant William Burchard issued a parking violation warning to an attached vehicle on Lakeshore Drive.
1:57 p.m. Sergeant William Burchard and Officer Brian Ziniti responded to a motor vehicle crash on East Main Street and requested the Fire Department to clean a fluid spill. A tow truck removed the vehicle.
4:49 p.m. Officer Brian Ziniti responded to a Main Street address to a report of a Social Security number being compromised.
5:18 p.m. A Pleasant Street caller reported a dispute between neighbors and stated the police had better show up quickly. Sergeant Aaron O’Neil and Officers Augusto Diaz and Brian Ziniti responded and restored peace. The animal control officer was advised.
5:57 p.m. Officer Brian Ziniti made checks of the LNG plant on Wilson Street.
7:58 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz completed community relations on Magnolia Drive.
8:53 p.m. A Heartwood Way resident reported the water in his house was brown. The Water Department responded to the area to investigate.
8:57 p.m. The Ashland Police Department reported an erratic operator heading to Hopkinton. Officers Augusto Diaz and Nicholas Saletnik responded, located the vehicle on Main Street and issued a verbal warning for a marked lanes violation.
10:25 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz made checks of East Street property.
10:41 p.m. Sergeant Aaron O’Neil and Officer Nicholas Saletnik responded to a report of a vehicle fire on Interstate 495. Upon arrival, officers found that the vehicle was burning oil but no fire. A tow truck responded along with the State Police.

August 24
3:53 a.m. Sergeant William Burchard made checks of Hayden Rowe Street property.
9:45 a.m. A walk-in requested information about a vehicle that he was trying to have removed from his property. Sergeant Aaron O’Neil assisted and left a message with the owner.
1:29 p.m. A caller reported a white Camaro doing “doughnuts” on Emerald Drive in the new development. While the reporting person was on the phone, the vehicle left the area. Officer Brian Ziniti responded and advised the Milford Police Department.
6:25 p.m. A West Main Street resident complained of dogs barking and yelping all day long. Officer Brian Ziniti responded and did not hear anything. The reporting person believed the dogs were moved indoors. All was OK.
9:17 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik made checks of EMC Park on Hayden Rowe Street.
9:54 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz spoke with a Wood Street homeowner about visitors parking in the road and causing a hazard.
10:05 p.m. A Glen Road caller reported two males vigorously banged on his door and then took off. Officers Kyle Quinzani and Augusto Diaz responded and found juveniles playing a manhunt game and advised them to go inside their residence for the rest of the night.
11:25 p.m. A caller reported a disturbance on Walker Street, where youths were in the road and urinating on lawns. Officers Sean McKeon, Kyle Quinzani and Nicholas Saletnik responded and spoke to all parties involved.

August 25
1:49 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Pratt Way property.
7:09 a.m. A dog walker complained of vehicles parked on Cedar Street waiting to enter the State Park and blocking the roadway. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and opened the gate due to the safety hazard.
8:51 a.m. A caller reported a vehicle with heavy damage in a West Main Street parking lot. Officer Noah Buentello responded but was unable to locate the owner. A report was taken.
10:54 a.m. A Hidden Brick Road resident reported a road rage incident that occurred in Holliston. Officer Nicholas Walker took a report and notified the Holliston Police Department.
2:24 p.m. Officer Nicholas Walker completed community relations on Woodview Way.
3:28 p.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield and Officers Noah Buentello and Shannon Beloin checked on a group of people on Sandy Beach on Lakeshore Drive.
6:26 p.m. Officer Shannon Beloin made checks of the LNG plant on Wilson Street.
7:41 p.m. A caller reported a cat was hit and was in the middle of the roadway on East Main Street by the field near Weston Nurseries. Officer Shannon Beloin responded and reported it was a raccoon, not a cat. The animal control officer was contacted for pickup.
8:29 p.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield made checks of Parkwood Drive.

August 26
12:07 a.m. Sergeant Arthur Schofield made checks of the Fruit Street fields.
5:00 a.m. A caller reported noise on East Main Street and a possible violation of town bylaw. Officer Kyle Quinzani responded and found a sewage truck pumping septic. No issues were reported.
7:31 a.m. A caller reported a struck mailbox and debris of a vehicle on Emma Drive. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and found a license plate and checked the residence it belonged to. He found the mailbox at that residence badly damaged and took a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident report.
9:09 a.m. A walk-in reported a mail scam. Officer Noah Buentello assisted and took a report of fraud.
9:51 a.m. A walk-in reported a nuisance dog on C Street. The animal control officer was notified and was to respond.
1:20 p.m. An Edge Hill Road caller reported an unwanted male in the area. Officer Nicholas Walker responded, stopped the vehicle and took a report.
1:43 p.m. A walk-in reported a past hit-and-run motor vehicle accident on South Street. Officer Noah Bunetello assisted and took a report.
2:11 p.m. A walk-in handed in car keys found by Lake Whitehall.
6:33 p.m. A caller reported finding a black and gray dog, about 60 pounds, on Rice Street. Sergeant Matthew McNeil responded, and the caller was to keep the dog until the animal control officer arrived.
9:47 p.m. Sergeants William Burchard and Matthew McNeil assisted a disabled motor vehicle on Clinton Street. A tow truck removed the vehicle.


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