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Business Profile: HCA features ‘all the arts under one roof’

by | Aug 31, 2022 | Business, Featured

The Hopkinton Center for the Arts has had its “biggest summer ever,” says executive director Kelly Grill, an encouraging development as the organization emerges from the challenges of the pandemic. “We are excited that people are back and supporting us,” Grill says. “The feedback that we’ve had is that the arts are what is sustaining us and connecting us, which is something we all learned during the pandemic.”

The HCA’s summer concerts were particularly popular this season, and the new pay-what-you-can ticketing model made the programming accessible to all, Grill adds. Renovation now is complete on the center’s new ceramics studio and music studio, which has led to increased program participation.

Due to unexpected construction expenses, the HCA is launching a capital drive to help cover the costs of the studio renovation project. The drive gives local donors an opportunity to “leave their mark permanently” on the HCA, Grill says, by having a paver, rocking chair, picnic table or other feature named after them.

The HCA is gearing up for its fall programs, which include offerings for all ages and abilities in visual arts, ceramics, music, theater and dance. This year, the center is adding additional music classes for young children as well as ukulele group classes and recording and music theory courses.

This fall, the HCA is planning a lecture series and a sustainability summit. “We’re constantly developing new programs as we try to meet the needs of the MetroWest community,” Grill says. “We’re also looking to offer more diverse music, art and theater.”

Each year, the HCA has up to 14,000 visitors from 300 different communities. “We love that so many people come to us because we do have all the arts under one roof,” Grill says. “We are located here in Hopkinton, and the support of the community has been tremendous, but we are also thrilled about the creative partnerships we’re developing with surrounding towns as well.”

The HCA is located at 98 Hayden Rowe Street. For more information and registration, visit HopArtsCenter.org.

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