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Candidate questionnaire: Meena Kaushik

by | Jun 3, 2020 | Uncategorized

Meena KaushikPosition being sought: Board of Library Trustees

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Product director, life sciences industry

Education: M.S. from Brandeis University

Years lived in Hopkinton: 14

Governmental experience: Hopkinton Cultural Council, Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee

Additional volunteer/service experience: Program manager for Budget Buddies, a nonprofit committed to building financial literacy, confidence and security of low-income women; board member of South Asian Circle of Hopkinton; Hopkinton Boys Scout Troop 1 committee member

General statement: My name is Meena Kaushik. I am running as a candidate for election to the Hopkinton Public Library Board of Trustees, and would appreciate your consideration.

My family and I have lived in Hopkinton for 14 years. Over the years, I have held volunteer roles serving on town committees. I am a committee member of the Boy Scout Troop 1 and a board member of the South Asian Circle of Hopkinton. I partner with the library to create cultural displays that bring awareness and increase outreach.

I am very passionate about public libraries. Growing up in India, public libraries were scarce and I value and appreciate the role that a public library plays in the life of the residents. One of the first things I did upon coming to the U.S. was to become a library member. When my children were younger, a large part of our time was spent in the library surrounded by books and knowledge. Our library with its newly expanded building provides a variety of resources including event and study rooms. In this ever-changing technological world, our library has kept pace with a growing collection of audiobooks and ebooks. I want to bring my passion for the library and my commitment to this town by serving on the library board. I want to be part of the team that brings new ideas, events, fresh perspective and increasing community involvement.

I respectfully ask for your vote in the Annual Town Election on Monday, June 29.