Emergency personnel stand outside 75 and 77 Grove Street, the two houses that were hit by a car Thursday afternoon. PHOTO/JERRY SPAR
A van driven by an allegedly drunk Hopkinton resident crashed into houses at 75 and 77 Grove Street Thursday afternoon, according to Hopkinton Fire Department personnel and a press spokesperson.
The crash occurred at approximately 2:51 p.m., according to Robert Mills, a spokesperson from public relations firm JGPR.
“Police and fire responded to a 911 call where a white van struck two homes — 75 and 77 Grove Street,” he said. “The van fled the area, but police responded very quickly and arrested the driver.”
He noted that the van was stopped nearby, and the operator was taken into custody.
The driver, Stephen Murphy, 52, was arrested and charged with operating under the influence of liquor (second offense), driving to endanger, and two counts of leaving the scene of a property damage crash. Murphy will be arraigned in Framingham District Court tomorrow.
“One home sustained significant damage,” Mills noted, “so the family will be staying with relatives. The good news is that no one was injured.”
The home at 75 Grove Street is owned by Conservation Commission member Ted Barker-Hook and his wife, Nanda. While there was damage to a side wall, Barker-Hook shared that his house was declared safe and stable, so he was allowed to stay.
HFD Chief Gary Daugherty Jr. — who was approved by the Select Board Tuesday as the town’s fire chief after serving in the interim chief role — responded with members of the Hopkinton Fire Department to the accident first. HFD was assisted by emergency personnel from multiple towns, including Westborough, Natick and Hudson. The area of Grove Street — one block north of Hopkinton Middle School — was closed to through traffic early Thursday evening.
Mills noted that Daugherty requested assistance from the District 14 Technical Rescue Team, which will work to secure and stabilize the home’s first and second floors in the event of snowfall this weekend.
Stated Daugherty: “We’re fortunate that no one was hurt in this incident.”

Crews work to shore up the house at 75 Grove Street. PHOTO/HOPKINTON FIRE DEPARTMENT