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HHS Class of 2021 gets ‘appropriate and joyous send-off’ at graduation

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Education, Featured: Education

(Editor’s note: For photos from Saturday’s graduation car parade, click here. For photos from Wednesday’s Senior Gala, click here.)

The Hopkinton High School Class of 2021 — which at 328 students is the largest in school history — overcame one final challenge before graduating Friday night, as an afternoon rain delayed commencement exercises by an hour.

Principal Evan Bishop welcomed graduating students, faculty, families and others in attendance.

“We all know the last 15 months have been beyond difficult. We have dealt with loss, cancellations, adjustments, weather and many, many unexpected moments,” Bishop said. “However, with the help and support of so many, we are here tonight and we are incredibly thankful to be able to bring these seniors together one last time. And while it’s important and necessary to acknowledge the hard times we’ve all been through, tonight is about celebrating these graduates as they have earned and deserved an appropriate and joyous send-off.”

Class president David Stedt, in his speech, took students back to kindergarten at Center School, where four banners hang in the gymnasium promoting core values.

“Caring, acceptance, responsibility and honesty were deemed most important as we started our Hopkinton education,” Stedt said. “Now as we complete this journey, I look back and appreciate just how thoughtfully they were chosen.”

Stedt, who impressed classmates by singing the “hallway song” they were taught as kindergartners, explained how those values continue to be vital as they become adults.

“Thank you, Hopkinton, for our journey together, and for putting these four values before us,” Stedt said. “When we let caring, acceptance, responsibility and honesty guide our lives, we will be successful.”

Superintendent Carol Cavanaugh noted that when she graduated high school, the yearbook was her school’s version of social media. She referenced a quote from the Grateful Dead that was a popular comment for a 1980s yearbook signing and said it’s especially appropriate now: “What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

Cavanaugh also credited students with “learning how to learn,” even when classes were hybrid or remote.

Valedictorian Andrea Liu said she binge-watched graduation speeches on YouTube to help put together her speech, but she ultimately relied on her fourth-grade yearbook from Hopkins School for inspirational words of advice, including, “If we cannot find the road to success, we will make one.”

Liu also offered “a special thanks to our parents for dealing with our phone addictions, social media obsessions and the many, many mistakes we made over the years.”

Class vice president Tommy Bernardin announced that the yearbook was dedicated to “all the front-line workers, teachers and school administration, as well as any other people in the community who put their safety on the line in order to help others” during the pandemic.

Class treasurer Matt Cooper announced that the class gift is a tree that will stand to the right of the HHS main entrance, as well as flags for lamp posts around the school. “This tree will grow alongside the school, symbolic of the growth of each and every student that enters Hopkinton High School,” he said.

Class secretary Danny Andrews recognized class advisers Jennifer Griffey and Brian Prescott.

Seniors Elizabeth Kane (vocals), Olivia Jones (keyboard) and Aidan Medeiros (drums) and junior Sean Thapa (bass guitar) performed a rousing rendition of Adele’s “When We Were Young.”

English teacher Sarah Ellam presented the Marian T. Harris Award — which goes to the senior who “best exemplifies Ms. Harris’ conscientious engagement in learning, genuine commitment to service, and deep respect for others” — to Mia Carboni.

Prior to handing out diplomas, Bishop credited the popular 2020 television show “Ted Lasso” for its inspiring, positive outlook and said he sees the same trait in the graduating class. “You were resilience personified,” he said.

The class roared with approval when the final graduate was announced, and Anne Zhu took full advantage of the moment, pausing to take a selfie with the principal.

Following is the list of graduates.

Advika Agrawal
Mohammad Al-Ashabi
Samantha Altman
Nia Alvarado-Rodriguez
Nicholas Alvarado-Rodriguez
Daniel Andrews
Jessica Applebaum
Lahcen Aqdim
Adrina Arakelian
Joseph Arena
Delaney Augspurg
Kendal August
Valeria Azofeifa
Lili Bahri
Giulio Bardelli
Caitlin Barnes
Quentin Barnes
Samuel Barros
Catharine Barry
Amelia Bashy
Jasmine Battikha
Thomas Bernardin
Sara Bernardo
Lorenzo Bertani
Parker Black
Elise Blackstock
Joseph Blodgett
Aidan Bolger
Cadyn Boyce
Kelsey Breslin
Blake Briner
Nicholas Brown
Julia Budden
Cameron Burden
Peter Burdulis
Holly Burns
Shaye Butler
Mia Carboni
Brandon Carlson
Abigail Casady
Catherine Cestari
Harshita Chalamani
Ethan Champlin
Jake Chirco
Kamala Chuss
Gwendolyn Clark
Natalie Clott
Ross Comcowich
Caroline Connell
Jack Connolly
Matthew Cooper
Giorgio Corti
Christian Covino
Sophie Cowen
Patrick Crantz
Kadis Cureton-Augustin
Joshua Czerepuszko
Francis D’Urso
Caleb Dacey
Catherine Dacey
Khushi Dave
Riley Delaney
Martino Della Grazia
Tyler Delorey
Reilly DelPonte
Haley DeLuca
Hope DeLuca
Russell DeMarco
Sabine DeMartino
Pablo Diaz-Granados
Vincent DiNicola
John Dionne
Anthony DiPietro
Katelyn Diune
Andrew Domingo
Paige Domski
David Donoian
Lauren Donovan
Sarah Doyle
Sophia Driscoll
Aditya Dutta
Gianna Eddy
Kelsey Eddy
Henry Edwards
Fariha Fardin
Greta Field
Isabella Fiore
Alyssa Fischer
Joshua Fischer
Jessica Fiske
Caroline Flanagan
Alexander Fomin
Nathan Foster
Bryce Foti
Sean Fournier
Jarod Franks
Jessica Franks
Karen Gallagher
Andrew Gilbert
Matthew Goetz
Casey Gomez
Taela Gouin
Katherine Graham
Daniel Greenleaf
Devin Gross
Eduardo Grossman
Thomas Guerra
Rehan Habib
Imaan Haider
Iman Haidri
Emily Hakansson
Cameron Hanna
Emma Hansen
Kylie Hardenbrook
Lela Hardin
Siena Harrigan
Lucy Hassler
Emily Hayman
Maggie Hedstrom
Theodore Henneberry
Andrew Herlihy
Declan Herr
Parker Hohn
Tyler Holbrow
Rebekah Howell
Ellora Hoyt
Helena Hubbe
Olivia Hyman
Nicholas Igartua
Pooja Iyer
Devansh Kumar Jain
Cameron Jerrett
Chloe Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Olivia Jones
Elizabeth Kane
Nicholas Kapelos
Alexa Kaplan
Sophie Kaplan
Emily Karp
Jay Katyan
Aiden Keavany
Brian Keefe
Catherine Kelleigh
Amanda Kelley
Connor Kelley
Haley Kelley
Conor Kelly
Tara Kester
Tanya Khan
Nipun Sai Kisari
Benjamin Kisija
Esther Klinger
Matthew Klinger
Nathaniel Krozy
Madison LaMachia
Paige Lavelanet
Nicholas Leccese
Rachel Leeret
Paige Leighton
Julia Lerner
Sarah Levenson
Rex Lind
Andrea Liu
Andrew Liu
Tobin Lock
Geniefer Loring
Julianna Lucas
Noa Lugiai
Abraham Lukose
Ryan Lundy
Boden Lussier
Aiden Macdonald
Mollie Mahoney
Adam Maisonet
Peter Mallouh
Nishi Manikandan
Anna Mann
Julia Markey
Katya Markovich
John Mastrangelo
Mahdi Maymandi-Nejad
Anthony McCarthy
Michael McClay
Kristin McCluskey
Rose McKeon
Aidan Medeiros
Matthew Meek
Colby Michaud
Tiffany Mikulis
Alannah Miller
Andrew Mimmo
Rohan Minocha
Thomas Mirabile
Faateh Mohammad
Andrew Moore
Natalie Morgan
Aidan Morin
Dylan Morin
Nathaniel Morrissey
Garret Morrissiey
Katherine Morse
Tyler Morse
Elizabeth Mosher
Meghan Muldoon
Cameron Mulvaney
Megan Murchie
Avery Murphy
Brady Murphy
Connor Murphy
Dylan Murphy
Lauren Murphy
Kirti Nair
Nitya Nambiar
Charles Nealon
Eleanor Nealon
Lucas Nealon
Kadin Nicolazzo
Rachael Nordling
Colin Norred
Eric North
Keifer Norton
Declan O’Leary
Isabelle O’Rourke
Courtney Olafsen
Sophia Oppedisano
Lauren Pantazes
Mirabella Paolucci
Maxwell Parduhn
Nathaniel Parrow
Meera Parthasarathy
Swina Patel
Hayes Pearson-Woodruff
Aabid Peermohammed
Elias Pereira
Ceara Perry
Alessandro Pertile
Lily Pete
Emerie Peterson
David Piacentini
Amelia Pickard
Charlotte Pickard
Richard Pratt
Grace Prucher
Harrison Prucher
Syed Mustafa Quadri
Hannah Quinlan
Isabella Radaelli
Mantra Rajkumar
Soleil Randall
Elana Regan
Matthew Regan
Cameron Richardson-Kneeland
Connor Riley
William Rock
Nicholas Rogerson
Lily Rooney
Joel Rosen
Allison Rossillo
Jeremy Rossin
Deven Rowe
Aidan Rowell
Julianne Sage
Cole Salyards
Nadim Samrout
Isabelle Saporoschetz
Aiden Scannevin
Jackson Schlussel
Eleri Schutte
Aidan Segars
Elizabet Senin
Marley Sensenderfer
Amelia Senseney
Geneva Sganga
Avery Shaffer
Tejas Shah
Ronald Shamus
Vani Sharma
Usayd Sheikh
Eric Shultz
Dexter Siglin
Isabelle Simes
Hunter Smith
Jacob Sokol
Alyssa Souza
Daniel Staring
David Stedt
Carly Stevens
Alisa Stolyar
Maya Storm
Sankalp Subhendu
Shishir Sudhaman
Aidan Sullivan
Eric Sullivan
Mei Sutherland
Catherine Szczepankiewicz
Luke Tedstone
Kelly Teitel
Shreya Thalvayapati
Evan Theodorou
Angelina Thompson
Geoffrey Tocco
Hailey Tolson
Isaiah Tomás
Arpar Tran
Nina Underdah
Emma VanBeek
Jack Varner
Lily Vaughan
Alexis Viehl
Heather Villani
Catherine von Hausen
Nathan von Hausen
Justin Wade
Alopa Waje
Zachary Walker
Aidan Walsh
John Watson
Levi Watson
Antonio Weissinger
Colin Wenrich
Cassandra White
Ashley Wojcik
Eliza Worrell
Aidan Yagoobi
Srirupa Yerramsetti
Lillian York
Michael Youssef
Mohammad Ali Zaidi
Shayan Zaidi
Anne Zhu


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