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HHS Honors Art Exhibition online

by | May 22, 2020 | Education

HHS Honors Arts Exhibition 2020 poster

The Hopkinton High School Visual Arts Department has posted its Honors Arts Exhibition online, after the live showing was canceled in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the HHS Visual Arts Department:

The annual Hopkinton High School Honors Exhibition is a tradition that spans over a decade. This exhibition is an opportunity to exhibit the artwork of some of the school’s most dedicated student artists. These students exhibit a level of achievement and commitment that makes them stand out among their peers. They have dedicated much of their time both in school and out of school honing their craft and skills and are leading contributors in the high school art community. Working traditionally with an advisor and in conjunction with the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, students work together on curating pieces and preparing them for presentation over the course of several months. This opportunity provides students with an authentic gallery experience demonstrating to them how professional artists and institutions prepare for an exhibition. To mark the event, students also prepare for an opening reception which the Hopkinton community is invited to participate in. While this year we cannot recreate the whole experience for our students, we’d like to honor them in this virtual way. We’d like to thank this year’s advisor and arts educator, Kris Kellenberger, who worked diligently with students and the HCA behind the scenes preparing for the show that was to take place on March 19, 2020. We’d also like to thank Kris Waldman, co-director of the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, for always working with us to continue this yearly tradition. Join us as we celebrate these 9 talented artists. We are so proud of you all!


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