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Hopkinton author Stacey’s latest book focuses on navigating the noise

by | Nov 13, 2019 | Lifestyle

Hopkinton resident and author Kevin Stacey will have a book signing at Tatnuck Bookseller in Westborough to promote his latest book.

Hopkinton resident Kevin Stacey recently had his third book published, “MindRight: Navigate the Noise — How to Deal with your Internal Fake News for Success, Resiliency, Peace of Mind, and Mental Toughness.”

Stacey is the cofounder and CEO of TrainRight, Inc., a professional education and consulting firm that provides customized training programs, coaching initiatives, keynote presentations and group seminars. He has traveled all over the world helping corporations improve their environment and, along with it, their employee productivity. He has spoken at IBM, Ford Motor Company and JP Morgan Chase, among many others.

His latest book focuses on techniques that show individuals how to redirect the negative noise in their minds in order to be more mindful of the positive moments. According to Stacey, it’s estimated we have nearly 50,000 thoughts each day, which therefore creates a lot of noise in our heads. Unfortunately, the brain has a tendency to focus on the negative noise, which is what we then carry throughout our days.

And these days, it appears there’s a lot of negative noise out there.

“You hear about the increase in suicide rates, depression, anxiety. We are the unhappiest, wealthy society there is,” he said.

Still, the author noted the problem isn’t necessarily that we have negative thoughts; the problem is we tend to pay attention to them more.

“We have to learn to quiet the noise and even out the playing field. Balance the positivity,” Stacey explained. “Find a good moment in your day and think about it for 10 seconds. Stay with it and absorb it. Now you’re rewiring your thoughts and enhancing the positivity.”

The book discusses such strategies to assist individuals to be more mindful, mentally tough and resilient and therefore more successful both personally and professionally.

“I had a hard time putting this book down. I loved it,” said Hopkinton resident and former mental health counselor Rachel Aghjayan. “It’s informative and educational but in an easy-to- read and understand manner. The tips within this book are practical and can be applied to your daily living to help improve your quality of life, by teaching you how to control your thoughts. In a world full of negativity, this book’s techniques to refocus on the positive is priceless.  I’d highly recommend it to help put a reset button on your life.”

Stacey also is the author of “MessageRight; Take Control of Your Emails, Texts, and IMs,” and a contributing author of “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Stories.”

Stacey will promote his latest accomplishment with a book signing at Tatnuck Bookseller in Westborough on Nov. 23 from 1-3 p.m. He also will speak briefly at the event.



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